Detection of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer: Prospective evaluation of gray scale US versus SonoVue®low mechanical index real time-enhanced US as compared with multidetector-CT or Gd-BOPTA-MRI
2010-01-01 Cantisani, V.; Ricci, P.; Erturk, M.; Pagliara, E.; Drudi, F.; Calliada, F.; Mortele, K.; Dambrosio, U.; Marigliano, C.; Catalano, C.; Marin, D.; Di Seri, M.; Longo, F.; Passariello, R.
Detection of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer: Prospective evaluation of gray scale US versus SonoVue®low mechanical index real time-enhanced US as compared with multidetector-CT or Gd-BOPTA-MRI
2010-01-01 Cantisani, V.; Ricci, P.; Erturk, M.; Pagliara, E.; Drudi, F.; Calliada, F.; Mortele, K.; Dambrosio, U.; Marigliano, C.; Catalano, C.; Marin, D.; Di Seri, M.; Longo, F.; Passariello, R.
Die EFSUMB-Leitlinien und Empfehlungen für den klinischen Einsatz des kontrastverstärkten Ultraschalls (CEUS) bei nicht-hepatischen Anwendungen: Update 2017 (Langversion)
2018-01-01 Sidhu, Paul S.; Cantisani, Vito; Dietrich, Christoph F.; Gilja, Odd Helge; Saftoiu, Adrian; Bartels, Eva; Bertolotto, Michele; Calliada, Fabrizio; Clevert, Dirk-André; Cosgrove, David; Deganello, Annamaria; D’Onofrio, Mirko; Drudi, Francesco Maria; Freeman, Simon; Harvey, Christopher; Jenssen, Christian; Jung, Ernst-Michael; Klauser, Andrea Sabine; Lassau, Nathalie; Meloni, Maria Franca; Leen, Edward; Nicolau, Carlos; Nolsoe, Christian; Piscaglia, Fabio; Prada, Francesco; Prosch, Helmut; Radzina, Maija; Savelli, Luca; Weskott, Hans-Peter; Wijkstra, Hessel
Doppler ultrasonographic grading of hepatic vascular malformations in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia - results of extensive screening.
2004-01-01 Buscarini, E.; Danesino, Cesare; Olivieri, Carla; Lupinacci, G.; DE GRAZIA, F.; Reduzzi, L.; Blotta, P.; Gazzaniga, P.; Pagella, F.; Grosso, M.; Pongiglione, G.; Buscarini, L.; Plauchu, H.; Zambelli, A.
EFSUMB Clinical Practice Guidelines for Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Part One (Common Heart and Pulmonary Applications) LONG VERSION
2023-01-01 Jarman, Robert David; Mcdermott, Cian; Colclough, Anna; Bøtker, Morten; Knudsen, Lars; Harris, Tim; Albaroudi, Bilal; Albaroudi, Omar; Haddad, Mahmoud; Darke, Robert; Berry, Edward; Breslin, Tomas; Fitzpatrick, Gareth; Flanagan, Leah; Olusanya, Olusegun; Craver, Dominic; Omar, Adhnan; Simpson, Thomas; Cherian, Nishant; Dore, Martin; Prosen, Gregor; Kay, Sharon; Villén-Villegas, Tomás; Gargani, Luna; Carley, Simon; Woo, Michael; Dupriez, Florence; Hussain, Arif; Via, Gabriele; Connolly, James Anthony; Peck, Marcus; Melniker, Larry; Walden, Andrew; Attard Biancardi, Mark Anthony; Żmijewska-Kaczor, Olga; Lalande, Elizabeth; Geukens, Paul; Mclaughlin, Russell; Olszynski, Paul; Hoffmann, Beatrice; Chin, Eric; Muhr, Christopher; Kim, Daniel J; Mercieca, Andre; Shukla, Dharmesh; Hayward, Simon; Smith, Michael; Gaspari, Romolo; Smallwood, Nick; Pes, Philippe; Tavazzi, Guido; Corradi, Francesco; Lambert, Michael; Morris, Craig; Trauer, Michael; Baker, Kylie; Bystrzycki, Adam; Goudie, Adrian; Liu, Rachel; Rudd, Lynne; Dietrich, Christoph F; Jenssen, Christian; Sidhu, Paul S
The EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations for the Clinical Practice of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) in Non-Hepatic Applications: Update 2017 (Short Version)
2018-01-01 Sidhu, ; Ps, (Sidhu; Paul S., )( 1 ); Cantisani, ; V, (Cantisani; Vito)(, 2 ); Dietrich, ; Cf, (Dietrich; Christoph F., )( 3; 4, ) Gilja; Oh, (Gilja; Odd Helge)(, 5; 6, ) Saftoiu; A, (Saftoiu; Adrian)(, 7 ); Bartels, ; E, (Bartels; Eva)(, 8 ); Bertolotto, ; M, (Bertolotto; Michele)(, 9 ); Calliada, Fabrizio; F, (Calliada; Fabrizio)( 10, ); Clevert, ; Da, (Clevert; Dirk-Andre)( 11, ); Cosgrove, ; D, (Cosgrove; David)( 12, ); Deganello, ; A, (Deganello; Annamaria)(, 1 ); D'Onofrio, ; M, (D'Onofrio; Mirko)( 13, ); Drudi, ; Fm, (Drudi; Francesco Maria)( 14, ); Freeman, ; S, (Freeman; Simon)( 15, ); Harvey, ; C, (Harvey; Christopher)( 16, ); Jenssen, ; C, (Jenssen; Christian)( 17, ); Jung, ; Em, (Jung; Ernst-Michael)( 18, ); Klauser, ; As, (Klauser; Andrea Sabine)( 19, ); Lassau, ; N, (Lassau; Nathalie)(, 20; 21, ); Meloni, ; Mf, (Meloni; Maria Franca)( 22, ); Leen, ; E, (Leen; Edward)( 23, ); Nicolau, ; C, (Nicolau; Carlos)( 24, ); Nolsoe, ; C, (Nolsoe; Christian)( 25, ); Piscaglia, ; F, (Piscaglia; Fabio)( 26, ); Prada, ; F, (Prada; Francesco)(, 27; 28, ); Prosch, ; H, (Prosch; Helmut)( 29, ); Radzina, ; M, (Radzina; Maija)( 30, ); Savelli, ; L, (Savelli; Luca)( 31, ); Weskott, ; Hp, (Weskott; Hans-Peter)( 32, ); Wijkstra, ; H, (Wijkstra; Hessel)(, 33; 34, )
The EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations for the Clinical Practice of Elastography in Non-Hepatic Applications: Update 2018
2019-01-01 Saftoiu, A; Gilja, Oh; Sidhu, Ps; Dietrich, Cf; Cantisani, V; Amy, D; Bachmann-Nielsen, M; Bob, F; Bojunga, J; Brock, M; Calliada, F; Clevert, Da; Correas, Jm; D'Onofrio, M; Ewertsen, C; Farrokh, A; Fodor, D; Fusaroli, P; Havre, Rf; Hocke, M; Ignee, A; Jenssen, C; Klauser, As; Kollmann, C; Radzina, M; Ramnarine, Kv; Sconfienza, Lm; Solomon, C; Sporea, I; Stefanescu, H; Tanter, M; Vilmann, P
EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 1: Basic principles and technology.
2013-01-01 J., Bamber; D., Cosgrove; C. F., Dietrich; J., Fromageau; J., Bojunga; Calliada, Fabrizio; V., Cantisani; J., Correas; M., D'Onofrio; E. E., Drakonaki; M., Fink; M., Friedrich Rust; O. H., Gilja; R. F., Havre; C., Jenssen; A. S., Klauser; R., Ohlinger; A., Saftoiu; F., Schaefer; I., Sporea; F., Piscaglia
EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 1: Basic principles and technology.
2013-01-01 J., Bamber; D., Cosgrove; C. F., Dietrich; J., Fromageau; J., Bojunga; Calliada, Fabrizio; V., Cantisani; J., Correas; M., D'Onofrio; E. E., Drakonaki; M., Fink; M., Friedrich Rust; O. H., Gilja; R. F., Havre; C., Jenssen; A. S., Klauser; R., Ohlinger; A., Saftoiu; F., Schaefer; I., Sporea; F., Piscaglia
EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 2: Clinical applications.
2013-01-01 D., Cosgrove; F., Piscaglia; J., Bamber; J., Bojunga; J., Correas; O. H., Gilja; A. S., Klauser; I., Sporea; Calliada, Fabrizio; V., Cantisani; M., D'Onofrio; E. E., Drakonaki; M., Fink; M., Friedrich Rust; J., Fromageau; R. F., Havre; C., Jenssen; R., Ohlinger; A., Săftoiu; F., Schaefer; C. F., Dietrich; E. F., S.
EFSUMB statement on medical student education in ultrasound [short version]
2016-01-01 Cantisani, V.; Dietrich, Christoph F.; Badea, R.; Dudea, S.; Prosch, H.; Cerezo, E.; Nuernberg, D.; Serra, A. L.; Sidhu, P. S.; Radzina, M.; Piscaglia, F.; Bachmann Nielsen, M.; Calliada, Fabrizio; Gilja, O. H.
Evaluation of Inter-System Variability in Liver Stiffness Measurements
2018-01-01 Ferraioli, Giovanna; De Silvestri, Annalisa; Lissandrin, Raffaella; Maiocchi, Laura; Tinelli, Carmine; Filice, Carlo; Barr, Richard G.
Guidelines and good clinical practice recommendations for contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) - update 2008
2008-01-01 Claudon, M; Cosgrove, D; Albrecht, T; Bolondi, L; Bosio, M; Calliada, Fabrizio; Correas, Jm; Darge, K; Dietrich, C; D'Onofrio, M; Evans, Dh; Filice, Carlo; Greiner, L; Jäger, K; Jong, N; Leen, E; Lencioni, R; Lindsell, D; Martegani, A; Meairs, S; Nolsøe, C; Piscaglia, F; Ricci, P; Seidel, G; Skjoldbye, B; Solbiati, L; Thorelius, L; Tranquart, F; Weskott, Hp; Whittingham, T.
Is contrast-enhanced US alternative ti spinal CT in the assessment of treatment outcome of radiofrequency ablation in hepatocellular carcinoma?
2009-01-01 Ricci, P; Cantisani, V; Drudi, F; Pagliara, E; Bezzi, M; Meloni, Federica; Calliada, Fabrizio; Erturk, Sm; D'Andrea, V; D'Ambrosio, U; Passariello, R.
Large intra-hepatic arterioportal fistula following liver trauma. A case report
2008-01-01 Ferraioli, Giovanna; Mariani, G; Brunetti, Enrico; Filice, Carlo
Modified Lung Ultrasound Score for Assessing and Monitoring Pulmonary Aeration.
2016-01-01 Mongodi, Silvia; Bouhemad, Bélaïd; Orlando, Anita; Stella, Andrea; Tavazzi, Guido; Via, Gabriele; Iotti, GIORGIO ANTONIO; Braschi, Antonio; Mojoli, Francesco
Parotisläsionen: Merkmale im multiparametrischen Ultraschall und in der MRT
2016-01-01 Cantisani, V; David, E.; Sidhu, P. S.; Sacconi, B.; Greco, A.; Pandolfi, F.; Tombolini, M.; Lo Mele, L.; Calliada, Fabrizio; Brunese, L.; Catalano, C.; De Vincentiis, M.; Di Leo, N.; Ascenti, G.; D'Ambrosio, F.
Presurgical setting of secondary hyperparathyroidism using high-resolution sonography and color Doppler
2011-01-01 Meola, M.; Petrucci, I.; Calliada, F.; Barsotti, M.; Puccini, M.; Grosso, M.; Barsotti, G.
The current role of abdominal ultrasound in the clinical management of patients with AIDS.
2006-01-01 Brunetti, Enrico; Brigada, R; Poletti, F; Maiocchi, L; Garlaschelli, Al; Gulizia, R; Filice, Carlo
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
Detection of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer: Prospective evaluation of gray scale US versus SonoVue®low mechanical index real time-enhanced US as compared with multidetector-CT or Gd-BOPTA-MRI | 1-gen-2010 | Cantisani, V.; Ricci, P.; Erturk, M.; Pagliara, E.; Drudi, F.; Calliada, F.; Mortele, K.; Dambrosio, U.; Marigliano, C.; Catalano, C.; Marin, D.; Di Seri, M.; Longo, F.; Passariello, R. | |
Detection of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer: Prospective evaluation of gray scale US versus SonoVue®low mechanical index real time-enhanced US as compared with multidetector-CT or Gd-BOPTA-MRI | 1-gen-2010 | Cantisani, V.; Ricci, P.; Erturk, M.; Pagliara, E.; Drudi, F.; Calliada, F.; Mortele, K.; Dambrosio, U.; Marigliano, C.; Catalano, C.; Marin, D.; Di Seri, M.; Longo, F.; Passariello, R. | |
Die EFSUMB-Leitlinien und Empfehlungen für den klinischen Einsatz des kontrastverstärkten Ultraschalls (CEUS) bei nicht-hepatischen Anwendungen: Update 2017 (Langversion) | 1-gen-2018 | Sidhu, Paul S.; Cantisani, Vito; Dietrich, Christoph F.; Gilja, Odd Helge; Saftoiu, Adrian; Bartels, Eva; Bertolotto, Michele; Calliada, Fabrizio; Clevert, Dirk-André; Cosgrove, David; Deganello, Annamaria; D’Onofrio, Mirko; Drudi, Francesco Maria; Freeman, Simon; Harvey, Christopher; Jenssen, Christian; Jung, Ernst-Michael; Klauser, Andrea Sabine; Lassau, Nathalie; Meloni, Maria Franca; Leen, Edward; Nicolau, Carlos; Nolsoe, Christian; Piscaglia, Fabio; Prada, Francesco; Prosch, Helmut; Radzina, Maija; Savelli, Luca; Weskott, Hans-Peter; Wijkstra, Hessel | |
Doppler ultrasonographic grading of hepatic vascular malformations in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia - results of extensive screening. | 1-gen-2004 | Buscarini, E.; Danesino, Cesare; Olivieri, Carla; Lupinacci, G.; DE GRAZIA, F.; Reduzzi, L.; Blotta, P.; Gazzaniga, P.; Pagella, F.; Grosso, M.; Pongiglione, G.; Buscarini, L.; Plauchu, H.; Zambelli, A. | |
EFSUMB Clinical Practice Guidelines for Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Part One (Common Heart and Pulmonary Applications) LONG VERSION | 1-gen-2023 | Jarman, Robert David; Mcdermott, Cian; Colclough, Anna; Bøtker, Morten; Knudsen, Lars; Harris, Tim; Albaroudi, Bilal; Albaroudi, Omar; Haddad, Mahmoud; Darke, Robert; Berry, Edward; Breslin, Tomas; Fitzpatrick, Gareth; Flanagan, Leah; Olusanya, Olusegun; Craver, Dominic; Omar, Adhnan; Simpson, Thomas; Cherian, Nishant; Dore, Martin; Prosen, Gregor; Kay, Sharon; Villén-Villegas, Tomás; Gargani, Luna; Carley, Simon; Woo, Michael; Dupriez, Florence; Hussain, Arif; Via, Gabriele; Connolly, James Anthony; Peck, Marcus; Melniker, Larry; Walden, Andrew; Attard Biancardi, Mark Anthony; Żmijewska-Kaczor, Olga; Lalande, Elizabeth; Geukens, Paul; Mclaughlin, Russell; Olszynski, Paul; Hoffmann, Beatrice; Chin, Eric; Muhr, Christopher; Kim, Daniel J; Mercieca, Andre; Shukla, Dharmesh; Hayward, Simon; Smith, Michael; Gaspari, Romolo; Smallwood, Nick; Pes, Philippe; Tavazzi, Guido; Corradi, Francesco; Lambert, Michael; Morris, Craig; Trauer, Michael; Baker, Kylie; Bystrzycki, Adam; Goudie, Adrian; Liu, Rachel; Rudd, Lynne; Dietrich, Christoph F; Jenssen, Christian; Sidhu, Paul S | |
The EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations for the Clinical Practice of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) in Non-Hepatic Applications: Update 2017 (Short Version) | 1-gen-2018 | Sidhu, ; Ps, (Sidhu; Paul S., )( 1 ); Cantisani, ; V, (Cantisani; Vito)(, 2 ); Dietrich, ; Cf, (Dietrich; Christoph F., )( 3; 4, ) Gilja; Oh, (Gilja; Odd Helge)(, 5; 6, ) Saftoiu; A, (Saftoiu; Adrian)(, 7 ); Bartels, ; E, (Bartels; Eva)(, 8 ); Bertolotto, ; M, (Bertolotto; Michele)(, 9 ); Calliada, Fabrizio; F, (Calliada; Fabrizio)( 10, ); Clevert, ; Da, (Clevert; Dirk-Andre)( 11, ); Cosgrove, ; D, (Cosgrove; David)( 12, ); Deganello, ; A, (Deganello; Annamaria)(, 1 ); D'Onofrio, ; M, (D'Onofrio; Mirko)( 13, ); Drudi, ; Fm, (Drudi; Francesco Maria)( 14, ); Freeman, ; S, (Freeman; Simon)( 15, ); Harvey, ; C, (Harvey; Christopher)( 16, ); Jenssen, ; C, (Jenssen; Christian)( 17, ); Jung, ; Em, (Jung; Ernst-Michael)( 18, ); Klauser, ; As, (Klauser; Andrea Sabine)( 19, ); Lassau, ; N, (Lassau; Nathalie)(, 20; 21, ); Meloni, ; Mf, (Meloni; Maria Franca)( 22, ); Leen, ; E, (Leen; Edward)( 23, ); Nicolau, ; C, (Nicolau; Carlos)( 24, ); Nolsoe, ; C, (Nolsoe; Christian)( 25, ); Piscaglia, ; F, (Piscaglia; Fabio)( 26, ); Prada, ; F, (Prada; Francesco)(, 27; 28, ); Prosch, ; H, (Prosch; Helmut)( 29, ); Radzina, ; M, (Radzina; Maija)( 30, ); Savelli, ; L, (Savelli; Luca)( 31, ); Weskott, ; Hp, (Weskott; Hans-Peter)( 32, ); Wijkstra, ; H, (Wijkstra; Hessel)(, 33; 34, ) | |
The EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations for the Clinical Practice of Elastography in Non-Hepatic Applications: Update 2018 | 1-gen-2019 | Saftoiu, A; Gilja, Oh; Sidhu, Ps; Dietrich, Cf; Cantisani, V; Amy, D; Bachmann-Nielsen, M; Bob, F; Bojunga, J; Brock, M; Calliada, F; Clevert, Da; Correas, Jm; D'Onofrio, M; Ewertsen, C; Farrokh, A; Fodor, D; Fusaroli, P; Havre, Rf; Hocke, M; Ignee, A; Jenssen, C; Klauser, As; Kollmann, C; Radzina, M; Ramnarine, Kv; Sconfienza, Lm; Solomon, C; Sporea, I; Stefanescu, H; Tanter, M; Vilmann, P | |
EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 1: Basic principles and technology. | 1-gen-2013 | J., Bamber; D., Cosgrove; C. F., Dietrich; J., Fromageau; J., Bojunga; Calliada, Fabrizio; V., Cantisani; J., Correas; M., D'Onofrio; E. E., Drakonaki; M., Fink; M., Friedrich Rust; O. H., Gilja; R. F., Havre; C., Jenssen; A. S., Klauser; R., Ohlinger; A., Saftoiu; F., Schaefer; I., Sporea; F., Piscaglia | |
EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 1: Basic principles and technology. | 1-gen-2013 | J., Bamber; D., Cosgrove; C. F., Dietrich; J., Fromageau; J., Bojunga; Calliada, Fabrizio; V., Cantisani; J., Correas; M., D'Onofrio; E. E., Drakonaki; M., Fink; M., Friedrich Rust; O. H., Gilja; R. F., Havre; C., Jenssen; A. S., Klauser; R., Ohlinger; A., Saftoiu; F., Schaefer; I., Sporea; F., Piscaglia | |
EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 2: Clinical applications. | 1-gen-2013 | D., Cosgrove; F., Piscaglia; J., Bamber; J., Bojunga; J., Correas; O. H., Gilja; A. S., Klauser; I., Sporea; Calliada, Fabrizio; V., Cantisani; M., D'Onofrio; E. E., Drakonaki; M., Fink; M., Friedrich Rust; J., Fromageau; R. F., Havre; C., Jenssen; R., Ohlinger; A., Săftoiu; F., Schaefer; C. F., Dietrich; E. F., S. | |
EFSUMB statement on medical student education in ultrasound [short version] | 1-gen-2016 | Cantisani, V.; Dietrich, Christoph F.; Badea, R.; Dudea, S.; Prosch, H.; Cerezo, E.; Nuernberg, D.; Serra, A. L.; Sidhu, P. S.; Radzina, M.; Piscaglia, F.; Bachmann Nielsen, M.; Calliada, Fabrizio; Gilja, O. H. | |
Evaluation of Inter-System Variability in Liver Stiffness Measurements | 1-gen-2018 | Ferraioli, Giovanna; De Silvestri, Annalisa; Lissandrin, Raffaella; Maiocchi, Laura; Tinelli, Carmine; Filice, Carlo; Barr, Richard G. | |
Guidelines and good clinical practice recommendations for contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) - update 2008 | 1-gen-2008 | Claudon, M; Cosgrove, D; Albrecht, T; Bolondi, L; Bosio, M; Calliada, Fabrizio; Correas, Jm; Darge, K; Dietrich, C; D'Onofrio, M; Evans, Dh; Filice, Carlo; Greiner, L; Jäger, K; Jong, N; Leen, E; Lencioni, R; Lindsell, D; Martegani, A; Meairs, S; Nolsøe, C; Piscaglia, F; Ricci, P; Seidel, G; Skjoldbye, B; Solbiati, L; Thorelius, L; Tranquart, F; Weskott, Hp; Whittingham, T. | |
Is contrast-enhanced US alternative ti spinal CT in the assessment of treatment outcome of radiofrequency ablation in hepatocellular carcinoma? | 1-gen-2009 | Ricci, P; Cantisani, V; Drudi, F; Pagliara, E; Bezzi, M; Meloni, Federica; Calliada, Fabrizio; Erturk, Sm; D'Andrea, V; D'Ambrosio, U; Passariello, R. | |
Large intra-hepatic arterioportal fistula following liver trauma. A case report | 1-gen-2008 | Ferraioli, Giovanna; Mariani, G; Brunetti, Enrico; Filice, Carlo | |
Modified Lung Ultrasound Score for Assessing and Monitoring Pulmonary Aeration. | 1-gen-2016 | Mongodi, Silvia; Bouhemad, Bélaïd; Orlando, Anita; Stella, Andrea; Tavazzi, Guido; Via, Gabriele; Iotti, GIORGIO ANTONIO; Braschi, Antonio; Mojoli, Francesco | |
Parotisläsionen: Merkmale im multiparametrischen Ultraschall und in der MRT | 1-gen-2016 | Cantisani, V; David, E.; Sidhu, P. S.; Sacconi, B.; Greco, A.; Pandolfi, F.; Tombolini, M.; Lo Mele, L.; Calliada, Fabrizio; Brunese, L.; Catalano, C.; De Vincentiis, M.; Di Leo, N.; Ascenti, G.; D'Ambrosio, F. | |
Presurgical setting of secondary hyperparathyroidism using high-resolution sonography and color Doppler | 1-gen-2011 | Meola, M.; Petrucci, I.; Calliada, F.; Barsotti, M.; Puccini, M.; Grosso, M.; Barsotti, G. | |
The current role of abdominal ultrasound in the clinical management of patients with AIDS. | 1-gen-2006 | Brunetti, Enrico; Brigada, R; Poletti, F; Maiocchi, L; Garlaschelli, Al; Gulizia, R; Filice, Carlo |
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