DIPARTIMENTO DI BIOLOGIA ANIMALE (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 31/12/2011)
Comparison of K + -p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity in the urinary bladder of the frog Rana esculenta during hibernation and active life
1999-01-01 DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Fenoglio, Carla; Barni, Sergio; Gerzeli, Giuseppe
Cytochemical evidence for potassium dependent p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity in the pavement cells of Rana esculenta mesentery
1998-01-01 Fenoglio, Carla; DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Bernini, Franco; Barni, Sergio
Cytochemical study of K+-dependent p-nitrophenyl-phosphatase activity in the urinary bladder of Salamandra salamandra.
1985-01-01 DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Fenoglio, Carla
Effects of isoprenaline treatment on the rat liver parenchyma. Ultrastructural investigations
1981-01-01 M., Speziali; Barni, Sergio; DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Fenoglio, Carla
Effetti del trattamento con isoprenalina sul parenchima epatico di ratto: ricerche istochimiche ed istoenzimatiche.
1977-01-01 DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Fenoglio, Carla; Barni, Sergio; Speziali, Margherita
Establishment and characterization of two cell lines derived from human glioblastoma multiforme
1992-01-01 Bacciocchi, G; Gibelli, N; Zibera, C; Pedrazzoli, P; Bergamaschi, G; De Piceis Polver, P; Danova, M; Mazzini, G; Palomba, L; Tupler, R
Evaluation of a possible styrene-induced damage to the haematopoietic tissues in the rat.
2000-01-01 Nano, Rosanna; Rossi, A.; Fenoglio, Carla; DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola
Histochemical demonstration of tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase in blast crisis of chronic myeloid leukaemia.
1981-01-01 Nano, Rosanna; Invernizzi, Rosangela; DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; M., Girino
La ghiandola rettale in Myliobatis aquila: raffronto comparativo con Scylliorinus canicula.
1970-01-01 DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Bernocchi, Graziella
La regolazione idrosalina nel mesonefro di Rana esculenta durante il ciclo annuale: aspetti morfofunzionali
2000-01-01 Fenoglio, Carla; Vaccarone, Rita; Addario, Concetta; DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Barni, Sergio; Gerzeli, Giuseppe
Modificazioni indotte dal trattamento con isoproterenol e testosterone nelle ghiandole sottomandibolari del ratto maschio adulto.
1970-01-01 DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Bernocchi, Graziella
Potassium-dependent p-nitrophenyl phosphatase and adenylate cyclase activity in Rana esculenta skin during natural hibernation and active life: a cytochemical study
1988-01-01 DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Fenoglio, Carla; Gerzeli, Giuseppe; Rapuzzi, Giovanni; Barni, Sergio
Seasonal variation of K+-p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity in the epidermis of the crested newt: a quantitative and ultrastructural study.
1990-01-01 Fenoglio, Carla; DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola
Styrene hepatotoxicity in rats treated by inhalation or intraperitoneally: a structural investigation.
2003-01-01 DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Fenoglio, Carla; Nano, Rosanna; Coccini, T.; Bertone, Vittorio; Vaccarone, Rita; Gerzeli, Giuseppe
Styrene-induced alterations in the respiratory tract of rats treated by inhalation or intraperitoneally
1997-01-01 Coccini, T.; Fenoglio, Carla; Nano, Rosanna; DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola; Moscato, G.; Manzo, Luigi
Ultrastructural cytochemical investigations on adenyl cyclase activity in isoprenaline treated rat liver
1980-01-01 Fenoglio, Carla; Barni, Sergio; DE PICEIS POLVER, Paola