A Shake Table Testing Campaign of Electrical Cabinets
2023-01-01 Merino, R. J.; Dacarro, F.; Dubini, P.; Graziotti, F.; Grottoli, L.; Lanese, I.; Perrone, D.; Rota, M.; Nascimbene, R.; Filiatrault, A.
Dataset from dynamic shake-table testing of five full-scale single leaf and cavity URM walls subjected to out-of-plane two-way bending
2019-01-01 Tomassetti, U.; Grottoli, L.; Sharma, S.; Graziotti, F.
Dataset from shake-table testing of four full-scale URM walls in a two-way bending configuration subjected to combined out-of-plane horizontal and vertical excitation
2020-01-01 Sharma, S.; Grottoli, L.; Tomassetti, U.; Graziotti, F.
Experimental response of URM single leaf and cavity walls in out-of-plane two-way bending generated by seismic excitation
2019-01-01 Graziotti, F.; Tomassetti, Umberto; Sharma, S.; Grottoli, Luca; Magenes, G.
Out-of-plane shaking table tests on URM single leaf and cavity walls in two-way bending
2018-01-01 Sharma, Satyadhrik; Tomassetti, Umberto; Grottoli, Luca; Graziotti, Francesco; Magenes, Guido
Shaking table tests of URM walls subjected to two-way bending out-of-plane seismic excitation
2017-01-01 Graziotti, F; Tomassetti, U; Grottoli, L; Dainotti, Stefano; Penna, A; Magenes, G
Two-way bending experimental response of URM walls subjected to combined horizontal and vertical seismic excitation
2020-01-01 Sharma, S.; Tomassetti, U.; Grottoli, L.; Graziotti, F.