This doctoral thesis, which consists of three chapters, aims to investigate negotiation formalism, with particular reference to the emergence of the informational form. The first chapter, entitled 'Form of Negotiations and Classical Formalism', is entirely dedicated to an in-depth study of the system of the negotiation form as outlined in the Civil Code. The perspective is certainly historical but it already lays the foundations for interesting reflections on the applications in the field of negotiation of the new information technologies. The second chapter, entitled "From Classical Formalism to Community Neo-Formalism: The Emergence of the Informative Form", is instead devoted to the analysis of the current and overall regulatory framework, in which formal prescriptions take on conformations and functions that are different and additional to those originally known. Reference is undoubtedly made to entirely new phenomena such as the inclusion in the contractual document of a series of elements predetermined ex lege (so-called form-content); the provision of an increasing number of information obligations that require the written form and the imposition of verba solemnia, i.e. specific constraints of mention that the legislator assumes as a prerequisite for the production of certain legal effects. Among these, the so-called informative form certainly stands out in terms of topicality and relevance. The minimum model consisting of the form-nullity binomial has in fact proved insufficient to exhaust the physiognomy of the prescriptions of form, and bringing them back within a single category appears to be a matter of no small but undoubtedly burdensome importance. Certainly, however, a common thread can be discerned, through the valorisation of the new functions attributed to the form, in the idea that the formal bond, variously understood, is increasingly oriented towards the transmission from one contracting party to another of a series of essential information. The form thus becomes an instrument for bridging the substantial and inherent asymmetry in the relationship between the strong predisposing contracting party and the weak adhering party, fostering greater accountability of the latter's consent. This, however, is possible provided that the flow of information is strengthened at all stages of contract formation. It is thus in this context that the new paradigm of the so-called informative form of protection emerges, to which the third chapter is devoted, with particular reference to the financial investment services sector, where the form becomes an elective instrument of contractual conformation in the round, and on which the most recent case law has dwelt at length. The third chapter, entitled "The Informative Form in Financial Intermediation Contracts", after a brief reconstruction of the complex regulatory framework, then addresses the operational issues arising from the need to keep separate the problems concerning, on the one hand, the framework contract and, on the other, the individual investment orders, and also the need to navigate between rules of validity and rules of liability.
La tesi di dottorato, che si compone di tre capitoli, si propone d'indagare il formalismo negoziale, con particolare riferimento all'emersione della forma informativa. Il primo capitolo, intitolato "Forma dei negozi e formalismo classico", è interamente dedicato all'approfondimento del sistema della forma negoziale, così come delineata nel codice civile. La prospettiva è certamente storica ma pone già le basi per interessanti riflessioni in ordine alle applicazioni nel campo negoziale delle nuove tecnologie informatiche. Il secondo capitolo, intitolato "Dal formalismo classico al neoformalismo comunitario: l'emersione della forma informativa", è invece dedicato all'analisi dell'attuale e complessivo quadro normativo, in cui le prescrizioni formali assumono conformazioni e funzioni diverse ed ulteriori rispetto a quelle originariamente conosciute. Il riferimento va senz'altro a fenomeni del tutto nuovi come l'inserimento nel documento contrattuale di una serie di elementi predeterminati ex lege (c.d. forma-contenuto); la previsione di sempre più numerosi obblighi informativi che richiedono la forma scritta e l'imposizione di verba solemnia, ovverosia specifici vincoli della menzione che il legislatore assume a presupposto per la produzione di determinati effetti giuridici. Tra queste spicca certamente per attualità e rilevanza la c.d. forma informativa. Il modello minimo composto dal binomio forma-nullità si è infatti rivelato insufficiente ad esaurire la fisionomia delle prescrizioni di forma e la riconduzione entro un'unica categoria appare questione di non poco conto ma senza dubbio gravosa. Certamente, però, un filo conduttore può essere ravvisato, attraverso la valorizzazione delle nuove funzioni attribuite alla forma, nell'idea che il vincolo formale, variamente inteso, sia sempre più orientato alla trasmissione da un contraente all'altro di una serie di informazioni essenziali. La forma diviene quindi strumento per colmare la sostanziale e connaturata asimmetria nel rapporto tra il contraente predisponente forte e quello aderente debole, favorendo una maggiore responsabilitzzazione del consenso di quest'ultimo. Ciò, però, è possibile a patto di rafforzare il flusso informativo in tutte le fasi di formazione del contratto. E' dunque in questo contesto che emerge il nuovo paradigma della c.d. forma informativa di protezione, cui è dedicato il terzo capitolo, con particolare riferimento al settore dei servizi di investimento finanziario, ove la forma diviene strumento elettivo di conformazione contrattuale a tutto tondo, ed in ordine alla quale si è a lungo soffermata la più recente giurisprudenza. Il terzo capitolo, intitolato "La forma informativa nei contratti d'intermediazione finanziaria", dopo una breve ricostruzione del complesso quadro normativo, affronta quindi le questioni operative discendenti dalla necessità di tenere distinti i problemi riguardanti da, un lato, il contratto quadro e, dall'altro, i singoli ordini di investimento, e altresì la necessità di orientarsi tra regole di validità e regole di responsabilità.
This doctoral thesis, which consists of three chapters, aims to investigate negotiation formalism, with particular reference to the emergence of the informational form. The first chapter, entitled 'Form of Negotiations and Classical Formalism', is entirely dedicated to an in-depth study of the system of the negotiation form as outlined in the Civil Code. The perspective is certainly historical but it already lays the foundations for interesting reflections on the applications in the field of negotiation of the new information technologies. The second chapter, entitled "From Classical Formalism to Community Neo-Formalism: The Emergence of the Informative Form", is instead devoted to the analysis of the current and overall regulatory framework, in which formal prescriptions take on conformations and functions that are different and additional to those originally known. Reference is undoubtedly made to entirely new phenomena such as the inclusion in the contractual document of a series of elements predetermined ex lege (so-called form-content); the provision of an increasing number of information obligations that require the written form and the imposition of verba solemnia, i.e. specific constraints of mention that the legislator assumes as a prerequisite for the production of certain legal effects. Among these, the so-called informative form certainly stands out in terms of topicality and relevance. The minimum model consisting of the form-nullity binomial has in fact proved insufficient to exhaust the physiognomy of the prescriptions of form, and bringing them back within a single category appears to be a matter of no small but undoubtedly burdensome importance. Certainly, however, a common thread can be discerned, through the valorisation of the new functions attributed to the form, in the idea that the formal bond, variously understood, is increasingly oriented towards the transmission from one contracting party to another of a series of essential information. The form thus becomes an instrument for bridging the substantial and inherent asymmetry in the relationship between the strong predisposing contracting party and the weak adhering party, fostering greater accountability of the latter's consent. This, however, is possible provided that the flow of information is strengthened at all stages of contract formation. It is thus in this context that the new paradigm of the so-called informative form of protection emerges, to which the third chapter is devoted, with particular reference to the financial investment services sector, where the form becomes an elective instrument of contractual conformation in the round, and on which the most recent case law has dwelt at length. The third chapter, entitled "The Informative Form in Financial Intermediation Contracts", after a brief reconstruction of the complex regulatory framework, then addresses the operational issues arising from the need to keep separate the problems concerning, on the one hand, the framework contract and, on the other, the individual investment orders, and also the need to navigate between rules of validity and rules of liability.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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