The Italian criminal response system is becoming increasingly complex. This study aims to provide a concise overview of the consequences associated with the commission of a crime. Main penalties, ancillary penalties, legal effects of conviction, personal security and preventive measures, measures under Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001, confiscations, and other consequences not easily categorizable: the evolution of the crime-fighting system is evident and oriented towards a response capable of integrating measures that impact the individual personally with solutions that affect the economic sphere of the offender. Today, at least in certain areas, custodial punishment is a mere threat, less and less perceived as such, with the result that the criminal law is gradually regaining its credibility and effectiveness by countering the profitability of crime and of life centred on criminal activity, both in a restorative and a punitive sense. This extensive and varied system of responses must contend with the interference of various legal institutions, which, by operating on the punishability of the crime, mitigate the application of the referred set of consequences to a small or large extent, without – however – denying the existence, at an objective and subjective level, of all the constituent elements of the offence. After analyzing these institutions (causes of non-punishability strictly speaking, causes of extinction of the crime and of the penalty) and distinguishing them from those that, on the contrary, affect the very existence of the crime (by affecting its objective or subjective requirements), this paper aims to provide a complete overview of the impact that each category of these factors influencing punishability has on each category of consequences of the crime. Finally, attention is focused on the Italian system of confiscation, which today is characterized by an accentuated multifaceted trait and is in constant tension with respect to the functioning of institutes excluding punishability, such as – in particular – the prescription of the crime. The work attempts to rationalize the classification of the confiscatory arsenal provided by the legal system, basing the qualification as punitive or not on an economic criterion, carrying out a reconnaissance of the hypotheses of non-conviction based confiscation and identifying the incidence of the institutes inherent to punishability on the effectiveness of the forfeiture instruments. In particular, with regard to non-conviction based confiscation, the study proposes to make progress in refining the dual approach by which the system operates, consisting of the two parallel models of autonomously applied confiscation unrelated to criminal proceedings (represented in Italy by the preventive confiscation) and confiscation applied by the criminal court at the end of the proceedings (the culmination of which is represented by Article 578 bis of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure, as interpreted in the case law). Specifically, two approaches are proposed: 1) first, with regard to confiscation without conviction applied by the criminal judge at the conclusion of the trial, it is proposed to further explore the potential of Article 578 bis, with the aim of allowing the judge (even at the first instance) to apply any type of confiscation purely on the basis of the ascertainment of the offence (according to the criminal law standard of proof), even in cases of acquittal: that is – more precisely – in all scenarios in which the operability of factors that extinguish the punishability prevents a conviction; 2) as regards confiscation applied independently of criminal proceedings, it is proposed to adopt a common European model, developed on the basis of a careful analysis of the case law of the European courts. This model is designed to provide an effective restorative response (based on a less rigorous standard of proof) to serious and lucrative criminality.
Il sistema di reazione al reato sta assumendo una crescente complessità. Questo studio si propone di offrire una visione sintetica delle conseguenze connesse alla commissione di un reato. Pene principali, pene accessorie, effetti penali della condanna, misure di sicurezza e di prevenzione personali, misure ai sensi del D.Lgs. n. 231 del 2001, confische e altre conseguenze non facilmente categorizzabili: l’evoluzione del sistema di contrasto al reato è evidente e orientata verso una risposta capace di integrare misure che incidono sulla sfera personale dell’individuo con soluzioni che colpiscono l’autore del reato sul piano economico. Oggi, quantomeno in alcuni settori, la pena detentiva è una mera minaccia, sempre meno percepita come tale, con il risultato che il diritto penale sta gradualmente recuperando la sua credibilità ed efficacia attraverso il contrasto alla redditività del reato e della vita incentrata sull’attività criminale. Questo ampio ed eterogeneo sistema di reazione deve fare i conti con l’interferenza di svariati istituti, i quali – operando sul piano della punibilità del reato – mitigano, in piccola o in gran parte, l’applicazione del riferito corredo di conseguenze, senza tuttavia negare la sussistenza sul piano oggettivo e soggettivo di tutti gli elementi costitutivi del reato. Dopo aver analizzato questi istituti (cause di non punibilità in senso stretto, cause di estinzione del reato e della pena), e averli distinti rispetto a quelli che – al contrario – incidono sulla stessa sussistenza del reato (scriminanti e scusanti), il presente scritto mira a fornire un panorama completo dell’impatto che ciascuna categoria delle riferite cause incidenti sulla punibilità produce con riguardo a ciascuna categoria di conseguenze del reato. Infine, l’attenzione si concentra sul sistema delle confische, oggi caratterizzato da un accentuato tratto proteiforme e in costante tensione rispetto all’operare di istituti escludenti la punibilità, come – in particolare – la prescrizione del reato. Il lavoro tenta di razionalizzare la classificazione dell’arsenale confiscatorio offerto dall’ordinamento, fondando la qualificazione in senso sanzionatorio o meno del singolo istituto sulla base del criterio economico, operando una ricognizione delle ipotesi di confisca applicabili senza condanna e individuando l’incidenza degli istituti inerenti alla punibilità sull’operatività degli strumenti ablativi. Proprio sotto il profilo della non-conviction based confiscation, lo scritto propone di progredire nel perfezionamento del doppio binario su cui opera il sistema, composto dai due modelli paralleli della confisca applicata in via autonoma rispetto al processo penale (rappresentata, in Italia, dalla confisca di prevenzione) e della confisca, sempre senza condanna, applicata dal giudice penale all’esito del processo (il cui picco evolutivo è costituito dall’art. 578 bis c.p.p., come interpretato dalla giurisprudenza). Ciò in due sensi: 1) innanzitutto, sotto il profilo della confisca senza condanna adottata dal giudice penale all’esito del processo, si propone di approfondire ulteriormente le potenzialità dell’art. 578 bis c.p.p., nell’ottica di consentire al giudice (anche di primo grado) di applicare ogni tipologia di confisca, sulla base del mero accertamento del reato (fondato sullo standard probatorio penalistico), anche nelle ipotesi di proscioglimento: e dunque – più precisamente – in tutte le ipotesi in cui l’operatività di fattori estintivi della punibilità impediscano la condanna; 2) quanto alla confisca applicata in via autonoma rispetto al processo, si propone l’adozione di un modello europeo comune, costruito a partire da un’accurata analisi della giurisprudenza delle Corti europee, idoneo a fornire una efficace risposta di natura ripristinatoria (e fondata su uno standard probatorio meno gravoso) alla criminalità grave e lucrogenetica.
Contributo allo studio dei fattori estintivi della punibilità. Le vicende della confisca.
The Italian criminal response system is becoming increasingly complex. This study aims to provide a concise overview of the consequences associated with the commission of a crime. Main penalties, ancillary penalties, legal effects of conviction, personal security and preventive measures, measures under Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001, confiscations, and other consequences not easily categorizable: the evolution of the crime-fighting system is evident and oriented towards a response capable of integrating measures that impact the individual personally with solutions that affect the economic sphere of the offender. Today, at least in certain areas, custodial punishment is a mere threat, less and less perceived as such, with the result that the criminal law is gradually regaining its credibility and effectiveness by countering the profitability of crime and of life centred on criminal activity, both in a restorative and a punitive sense. This extensive and varied system of responses must contend with the interference of various legal institutions, which, by operating on the punishability of the crime, mitigate the application of the referred set of consequences to a small or large extent, without – however – denying the existence, at an objective and subjective level, of all the constituent elements of the offence. After analyzing these institutions (causes of non-punishability strictly speaking, causes of extinction of the crime and of the penalty) and distinguishing them from those that, on the contrary, affect the very existence of the crime (by affecting its objective or subjective requirements), this paper aims to provide a complete overview of the impact that each category of these factors influencing punishability has on each category of consequences of the crime. Finally, attention is focused on the Italian system of confiscation, which today is characterized by an accentuated multifaceted trait and is in constant tension with respect to the functioning of institutes excluding punishability, such as – in particular – the prescription of the crime. The work attempts to rationalize the classification of the confiscatory arsenal provided by the legal system, basing the qualification as punitive or not on an economic criterion, carrying out a reconnaissance of the hypotheses of non-conviction based confiscation and identifying the incidence of the institutes inherent to punishability on the effectiveness of the forfeiture instruments. In particular, with regard to non-conviction based confiscation, the study proposes to make progress in refining the dual approach by which the system operates, consisting of the two parallel models of autonomously applied confiscation unrelated to criminal proceedings (represented in Italy by the preventive confiscation) and confiscation applied by the criminal court at the end of the proceedings (the culmination of which is represented by Article 578 bis of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure, as interpreted in the case law). Specifically, two approaches are proposed: 1) first, with regard to confiscation without conviction applied by the criminal judge at the conclusion of the trial, it is proposed to further explore the potential of Article 578 bis, with the aim of allowing the judge (even at the first instance) to apply any type of confiscation purely on the basis of the ascertainment of the offence (according to the criminal law standard of proof), even in cases of acquittal: that is – more precisely – in all scenarios in which the operability of factors that extinguish the punishability prevents a conviction; 2) as regards confiscation applied independently of criminal proceedings, it is proposed to adopt a common European model, developed on the basis of a careful analysis of the case law of the European courts. This model is designed to provide an effective restorative response (based on a less rigorous standard of proof) to serious and lucrative criminality.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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