A non linear version of Noether's type theorem.
2004-01-01 Brivio, Sonia; Pirola, GIAN PIETRO
A note on theta divisors of stable bundles.
2015-01-01 Brivio, Sonia
Alternating groups and rational functions on surfaces
2006-01-01 Brivio, Sonia; Pirola, GIAN PIETRO
Coherent systems and modular subvarieties of SU_C(r).
2012-01-01 Michele, Bolognesi; Brivio, Sonia
Lezioni di algebra lineare con applicazioni alla geometria analitica
2013-01-01 Brivio, Sonia; Bisi, Fulvio; Bonsante, Francesco
On complex projective surfaces with trigonal hyperplane sections
1989-01-01 Brivio, Sonia; A., Lanteri
On projective manifolds admitting 3-gonal or 4-gonal curve sections.
1989-01-01 Brivio, Sonia
ON rank 2 semistable vector bundles over an irreducible nodal curve of genus 2.
1998-01-01 Brivio, Sonia
On the degeneracy locus of a map of vector bundles on Grassmannian vaieties.
2002-01-01 Brivio, Sonia
On the theta divisor of SU(2,1)
1999-01-01 Brivio, Sonia; A., Verra
On the theta divisor of SU(r,1)
2002-01-01 Brivio, Sonia; Alessandro, Verra
Pluecker forms and the theta map
2012-01-01 Brivio, Sonia; Verra, Alessandro
Smooth Enriques surfaces in P^4
1993-01-01 Brivio, Sonia
The Brill-Noether curve of a stable vector bundle on a genus two curve
2007-01-01 Brivio, Sonia; Verra, Alessandro
The theta divisor of SU(2,2d) is very ample if C is not hyperelliptic
1996-01-01 Brivio, Sonia; A., Verra