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A signal, from human mtDNA, of postglacial recolonization in Europe 1-gen-2001 Torroni, Antonio; Bandelt, Hj; Macaulay, V; Richards, M; Cruciani, F; Rengo, Chiara; MARTINEZ CABRERA, V; Villems, R; Kivisild, T; Metspalu, E; Parik, J; Tolk, Hv; Tambets, K; Forster, P; Karger, B; Francalacci, P; Rudan, P; Janicijevic, B; Rickards, O; Savontaus, Ml; Huoponen, K; Laitinen, V; Koivumäki, S; Sykes, B; Hickey, E; Novelletto, A; Moral, P; Sellitto, D; Coppa, A; AL-ZAHERY, Nadia; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA; Semino, Ornella; Scozzari, R.
A synopsis of the entire Y-chromosome European gene pool using biallelic polymorphisms 1-gen-1999 Passarino, G; Semino, Ornella; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA; CAVALLI SFORZA, Ll; Underhill, Pa
A view of the neolithic demic diffusion in Europe through two Y chromosome-specific markers. 1-gen-1996 Semino, Ornella; Passarino, G; Brega, A; Fellous, M; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
An evaluation of the complex Y-chromosome landscape of South-East Europe through different markers 1-gen-2006 Battaglia, Vincenza; Fornarino, Simona; Pala, Maria; Olivieri, Anna; AL-ZAHERY, Nadia; Primorac, D; Marjanovic, D; Andjelinovic, S; Drobnic, K; Durmishi, N; Hadziselimovic, R; Pojskic, N; Vidovic, S; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA; Semino, Ornella
Analisi del linkage disequilibrium nei geni codificanti l'enzima di conversione dell'angiotensina e la lipoproteina lipasi in popolazioni Europee 1-gen-2005 Crobu, Francesca; DI GAETANO, C; Excoffier, L; Cann, H; Bertranpetit, J; Bodmer, W; Semino, Ornella; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA; Sajantila, A; Matullo, G; Piazza, A.
Analysis of mtDNA variation in African populations reveals the most ancient of all human continent-specific haplogroups 1-gen-1995 CHEN Y., S; Torroni, Antonio; Excoffier, L; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA; Wallace, Dc
Back to Africa about 40,000 years ago: evidence from human mitochondrial DNA 1-gen-2006 Olivieri, Anna; Achilli, Alessandro; Pala, Maria; Accetturo, Matteo; Battaglia, Vincenza; Fornarino, Simona; Sarto, Elisa; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA; Semino, Ornella; Torroni, Antonio
COII/tRNALys intergenic 9bp deletion and other mitochondrial DNA markers clearly reveal that the Tharus (Southern Nepal) have oriental affinities 1-gen-1993 Passarino, G; Semino, Ornella; Modiano, G; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
Cromosoma Y e storia delle popolazioni europee. In '. Gli intrecci genetici, linguistici, storici' A cura di G.Bocchi e M.Ceruti. 1-gen-2001 Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
Different genetic components in the Ethiopian population, identified by mtDNA and Y-chromosome polymorphisms. 1-gen-1998 Passarino, G; Semino, Ornella; QUINTANA MURCI, L; Excoffier, L; Hammer, M; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
Ethiopians and Khoisan share the deepest clades of the human Y-chromosome phylogeny 1-gen-2002 Semino, Ornella; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA; Falaschi, F; CAVALLI SFORZA, Ll; Underhill, Pa
Evolutionary correlation between control region sequence and restriction polymorphisms in the mitochondrial genome of a large Senegalese Mandenka sample 1-gen-1995 Graven, L; Passarino, G; Semino, Ornella; Boursot, P; Langaney, A; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA; Excoffier, L.
From surnames to the history of the Y chromosome: the Sardinia as a Paradigm 1-gen-2002 Zei, G; Lisa, A; Fiorani, O; Magri, Chiara; QUINTANA MURCI, L; Semino, Ornella; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
From surnames to the history of Y chromosomes: the Sardinian population as a paradigm 1-gen-2003 Zei, G; Lisa, A; Fiorani, O; Magri, C; QUINTANA MURCI, L; Semino, Ornella; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
Further characteristics of proto-European Y-chromosomes. 1-gen-1999 QUINTANA MURCI, L; Semino, Ornella; Minch, E; Passarimo, G; Brega, A; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
Gene flow between East Asia and India: a comparative analysis of mtDNA and Y-chromosome in the Tharu of Terai 1-gen-2006 Fornarino, Simona; Pala, Maria; Battaglia, Vincenza; Olivieri, Anna; Modiano, G; Torroni, Antonio; Semino, Ornella; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
Genetic evidence for an exit of Homo sapiens sapiens from Africa via East Africa. 1-gen-1999 QUINTANA MURCI, L; Semino, Ornella; Bandelt, Hj; Passarino, G; Mcelreavey, K; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
Genetic studies in Cameroon: mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Bamileke 1-gen-1994 Scozzari, R; Torroni, Antonio; Semino, Ornella; Cruciani, F; Spedini, G; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
Genetic studies on the Senegal population. I. Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms 1-gen-1988 Scozzari, R; Torroni, Antonio; Semino, Ornella; Sirugo, G; Brega, A; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA
Genetic studies on the Tharu population of Nepal: Restriction endonuclease polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA 1-gen-1986 Brega, A; Gardella, R; Semino, Ornella; Morpurgo, G; ASTALDI RICOTTI, Gb; Wallace, Dc; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA