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A "Copernican" reassessment of the human mitochondrial DNA tree from its root 1-gen-2012 Behar, Dm; van Oven, M; Rosset, S; Metspalu, M; Loogväli, El; Silva, Nm; Kivisild, T; Torroni, Antonio; Villems, R.
A back migration from Asia to sub-Saharan Africa is supported by high-resolution analysis of human Y-chromosome haplotypes 1-gen-2002 Cruciani, F; Santolamazza, P; Shen, P; Macaulay, V; Moral, P; Olckers, A; Modiano, D; Holmes, S; DESTRO BISOL, G; Coia, V; Wallace, Dc; Oefner, Pj; Torroni, Antonio; CAVALLI SFORZA, Ll; Scozzari, R; Underhill, Pa
A chromosome-level reference genome and pangenome for barn swallow population genomics 1-gen-2023 Secomandi, Simona; Gallo, Guido R; Sozzoni, Marcella; Iannucci, Alessio; Galati, Elena; Abueg, Linelle; Balacco, Jennifer; Caprioli, Manuela; Chow, William; Ciofi, Claudio; Collins, Joanna; Fedrigo, Olivier; Ferretti, Luca; Fungtammasan, Arkarachai; Haase, Bettina; Howe, Kerstin; Kwak, Woori; Lombardo, Gianluca; Masterson, Patrick; Messina, Graziella; Møller, Anders P; Mountcastle, Jacquelyn; Mousseau, Timothy A; Ferrer Obiol, Joan; Olivieri, Anna; Rhie, Arang; Rubolini, Diego; Saclier, Marielle; Stanyon, Roscoe; Stucki, David; Thibaud-Nissen, Françoise; Torrance, James; Torroni, Antonio; Weber, Kristina; Ambrosini, Roberto; Bonisoli-Alquati, Andrea; Jarvis, Erich D; Gianfranceschi, Luca; Formenti, Giulio
A comprehensive, diachronic and comparative picture of the mitogenome variation along the Americas 1-gen-2015 Achilli, Alessandro; Perego, Ua; Owings, A; Lancioni, H; Olivieri, Anna; Cardinali, I; Capodiferro, MARCO ROSARIO; Battaglia, Vincenza; Grugni, Viola; Woodward, Sr; Semino, Ornella; Johnson, Jr; Willerslev, E; Stoneking, M; Torroni, Antonio; Malhi, Rs
A missense MT-ND5 mutation in differentiated Parkinson Disease cytoplasmic hybrid induces ROS-dependent DNA Damage Response amplified by DROSHA 1-gen-2017 Pignataro, Daniela; Francia, Sofia; Zanetta, Francesca; Brenna, Giulia; Brandini, Stefania; Olivieri, Anna; Torroni, Antonio; Biamonti, Giuseppe; Montecucco, Alessandra
A mitochondrial DNA "clock" for the Amerinds and its implications for timing their entry into North America 1-gen-1994 Torroni, Antonio; Neel, Jv; Barrantes, R; Schurr, Tg; Wallace, Dc
A mitochondrial DNA variant, identified in Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy patients, which extends the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I 1-gen-1992 Brown, Md; Yang, Cc; Trounce, I; Torroni, Antonio; Lott, Mt; Wallace, Dc
A novel in-frame 18-bp microdeletion in MT-CYB causes a multisystem disorder with prominent exercise intolerance 1-gen-2014 Carossa, Valeria; Ghelli, A; Tropeano, Cv; Valentino, Ml; Iommarini, L; Maresca, A; Caporali, L; Morgia, Cl; Liguori, R; Barboni, P; Carbonelli, M; Rizzo, G; Tonon, C; Lodi, R; Martinuzzi, A; Nardo, Vd; Rugolo, M; Ferretti, Luca; Gandini, Francesca; Pala, Maria; Achilli, Alessandro; Olivieri, Anna; Torroni, Antonio; Carelli, V.
A signal, from human mtDNA, of postglacial recolonization in Europe 1-gen-2001 Torroni, Antonio; Bandelt, Hj; Macaulay, V; Richards, M; Cruciani, F; Rengo, Chiara; MARTINEZ CABRERA, V; Villems, R; Kivisild, T; Metspalu, E; Parik, J; Tolk, Hv; Tambets, K; Forster, P; Karger, B; Francalacci, P; Rudan, P; Janicijevic, B; Rickards, O; Savontaus, Ml; Huoponen, K; Laitinen, V; Koivumäki, S; Sykes, B; Hickey, E; Novelletto, A; Moral, P; Sellitto, D; Coppa, A; AL-ZAHERY, Nadia; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA; Semino, Ornella; Scozzari, R.
A wide STR analysis of the Y chromosome haplogroups in Native American populations 1-gen-2010 Battaglia, Vincenza; Myres, Nm; Perego, Ua; Grugni, Viola; Achilli, Alessandro; Gomez Palmieri, Je; Angerhofer, N; Woodward, Sr; Torroni, Antonio; Semino, Ornella
About the "Asian"-specific 9-bp deletion of mtDNA ... 1-gen-1995 Torroni, Antonio; Petrozzi, M; Santolamazza, P; Sellitto, D; Cruciani, F; Scozzari, R.
About the “pathological” role of the mtDNA T3308C mutation... 1-gen-1999 Rocha, H; Flores, C; Campos, Y; Arenas, J; Vilarinho, L; Santorelli, Fm; Torroni, Antonio
African, Native American and European mitochondrials DNAs in Cubans from the Pinar del Rio Province and implications for the recent epidemic neuropathy in Cuba 1-gen-1995 Torroni, Antonio; Brown, Md; Lott, Mt; Newman, Nj; Wallace, Dc; THE CUBAN NATIONAL OPERATIVE GROUP ON EPIDEMIC, Neuropathy
American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochondrial DNA: a review 1-gen-1992 Wallace, Dc; Torroni, Antonio
Analysis of ancestry informative markers in three main ethnic groups from Ecuador supports a trihybrid origin of Ecuadorians 1-gen-2017 Santangelo, Roberta; González Andrade, Fabricio; Bã¸rsting, Claus; Torroni, Antonio; Pereira, Vania; Morling, Niels
Analysis of mtDNA variation in African populations reveals the most ancient of all human continent-specific haplogroups 1-gen-1995 CHEN Y., S; Torroni, Antonio; Excoffier, L; Benerecetti, AUGUSTA SILVANA; Wallace, Dc
Analysis of the human Y-chromosome haplogroup Q characterizes ancient population movements in Eurasia and the Americas 1-gen-2019 Grugni, Viola; Raveane, Alessandro; Ongaro, Linda; Battaglia, Vincenza; Trombetta, Beniamino; Colombo, Giulia; Capodiferro, Marco Rosario; Olivieri, Anna; Achilli, Alessandro; Perego, Ugo A.; Motta, Jorge; Tribaldos, Maribel; Woodward, Scott R.; Ferretti, Luca; Cruciani, Fulvio; Torroni, Antonio; Semino, Ornella
Ancient human genomes-keys to understanding our past 1-gen-2018 Achilli, Alessandro; Olivieri, Anna; Semino, Ornella; Torroni, Antonio
Ancient migratory events in the Middle East: new clues from the Y-chromosome variation of modern Iranians 1-gen-2012 Grugni, Viola; Battaglia, Vincenza; HOOSHIAR KASHANI, Baharak; Parolo, Silvia; AL-ZAHERY, Nadia; Achilli, Alessandro; Olivieri, Anna; Gandini, Francesca; Houshmand, M; Hossein Sanati, M; Torroni, Antonio; Semino, Ornella
Archaeogenomic distinctiveness of the Isthmo-Colombian Area 1-gen-2021 Capodiferro, Mr; Aram, B; Raveane, A; Rambaldi Migliore, N; Colombo, G; Ongaro, L; Rivera, J; Mendizábal, T; Hernández-Mora, I; Tribaldos, M; Perego, Ua; Li, H; Scheib, Cl; Modi, A; Gòmez-Carballa, A; Grugni, V; Lombardo, G; Hellenthal, G; Pascale, Jm; Bertolini, F; Grieco, G; Cereda, C; Lari, M; Caramelli, D; Pagani, L; Metspalu, M; Friedrich, R; Knipper, C; Olivieri, A; Salas, A; Cooke, R; Montinaro, F; Motta, J; Torroni, A; Martín, Jg; Semino, O; Malhi, Rs; Achilli, A.