A New Method to Speed Up Nannofossil Picking for Monospecific Geochemical Analyses
2022-01-01 Bordiga, M; Lupi, C; Zanoni, M; Bianco, S; Cabrini, M; Fiorentino, G; Garagna, S; Zuccotti, M; Di Giulio, A
Calcareous nannofossil and benthic foraminiferal assemblages to asses water parameters of the NW Pacific Ocean during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
2009-01-01 Lupi, Claudia; Trattenero, Iacopo; Mancin, Nicoletta; Bordiga, Manuela; Abbiate, E.; Cobianchi, Miriam
Calcareous nannofossil contribution to the carbonate export during the last 450 ka in the NW Pacific Ocean (Shatsky Rise).
2013-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Cobianchi, Miriam; Lupi, Claudia; Henderiks, J.; Ziveri, P.
Calcareous Nannofossil Response to Climate Variability During the Middle Pleistocene Transition in the Northwest Pacific Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198 Site 1209)
2019-01-01 Lupi, C.; Bordiga, M.; Sacchi, R.; Ferretti, P.; Cobianchi, M.
Calcareous nannofossils and carbonate dynamics during the last 450ka in the NW Pacific Ocean (ODP core 1209B, Shatsky Rise).
2013-01-01 Cobianchi, Miriam; Bordiga, Manuela; Lupi, Claudia; Mancin, Nicoletta; Pelosi, N.; Ziveri, P.
Calcareous nannofossils distribution and climate variability during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition interval at the Site ODP 198-1209B (Shatsky Rise, Northwestern Pacific Ocean)
2011-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Lupi, Claudia; Cobianchi, Miriam
Calcareous nannoplankton contribution to carbonate production and export during the last 450ky in the NW Pacific Ocean (ODP Site 1209B, Shatsky Rise)
2012-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Cobianchi, Miriam; Lupi, Claudia; Ziveri, Patrizia
Calcareous plankton and geochemistry from the ODP site 1209B in the NW Pacific Ocean (Shatsky Rise): New data to interpret calcite dissolution and paleoproductivity changes of the last 450 ka
2013-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Beaufort, L.; Cobianchi, Miriam; Lupi, Claudia; Mancin, Nicoletta; Luciani, V.; Pelosi, N.; Sprovieri, M.
Can sample preparation techniques affect data on the relative abundance of Florisphaera profunda?
2013-01-01 Lupi, Claudia; Bordiga, Manuela; Cobianchi, Miriam; Beaufort, L.
Carbonate preservation and primary productivity inferred by calcareous nannofossils: an example from the Middle-Late Pleistocene sediments of the North West Pacific Ocean (ODP198-1209B, Shatsky Rise)
2011-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Lupi, Claudia; Cobianchi, Miriam
Climate and environmental factors controlling coccolithophores in the NW Pacific during the Middle Pleistocene Transition.
2016-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Lupi, Claudia; Sacchi, Roberto; Cobianchi, Miriam
Do sample preparation techniques affect the relative abundance of Florisphaera profunda?
2016-01-01 Lupi, Claudia; Bordiga, Manuela; Sacchi, Roberto; Galinetto, Pietro; Beaufort, Luc; Cobianchi, Miriam
Eccentricity signal in the nannofossil time-series across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition in the northwestern Paci c Ocean (ODP Site 1209)
2023-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Lupi, Claudia; Sacchi, Roberto; Ferretti, Patrizia; Crowhurst, Simon J.; Cobianchi, Miriam
Gephyrocapsa occurrence during the Middle Pleistocene Transition in the Northern Pacific Ocean (Shatsky Rise)
2012-01-01 Lupi, Claudia; Bordiga, Manuela; Cobianchi, Miriam
Gephyrocapsa: the queen of Pleistocene. An overview of the usefulness of the acme intervals.
2016-01-01 Lupi, Claudia; Cobianchi, Miriam; Bordiga, Manuela
Microfossil and geochimical evidences in reconstructing Pleistocene paleoceanography of the South west Pacific (MD 97-2114, Chatham Rise)
2011-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Lupi, Claudia; Cobianchi, Miriam; Mancin, Nicoletta; Luciani, Valeria; Sprovieri, Mario
Middle_Late Pleistocene calcareous nannofossils as preservation and primary productivity proxies in the North West Pacific Ocean (Shatsky Rise)
2011-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Lupi, Claudia; Cobianchi, Miriam
Occurrence and abundance of Florisphaera profunda: could the sample preparation techniques affect the results?
2013-01-01 Lupi, Claudia; Cobianchi, Miriam; Bordiga, Manuela; Beaufort, L.
Orbital cycle variability as chronological tool for costraining the Middle Pleistocene Transition: new insights from the NW Pacific Ocean.
2016-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Pelosi, Nicola; Venti, Nicholas; Cobianchi, Miriam
Paleoceanographic changes in the NW Pacific Ocean over the last 450 ka: evidences from statistical analysis on calcareous nannofossil assemblages.
2013-01-01 Bordiga, Manuela; Cobianchi, Miriam; Lupi, Claudia