A theorem of Tits, normalizers of maximal tori and fibrewise Bousfield-Kan completions
1999-01-01 Neumann, F
Algebraic stacks and moduli of vector bundles
2011-01-01 Neumann, Frank
André spectral sequences for Baues-Wirsching cohomology of categories
2012-01-01 G??lvez-Carrillo, Imma; Neumann, Frank; Tonks, Andrew
Atiyah sequences and connections on principal bundles over Lie groupoids and differentiable stacks
2023-01-01 Biswas, Indranil; Chatterjee, Saikat; Koushik, Praphulla; Neumann, Frank
Atiyah sequences, connections and characteristic forms for principal bundles over groupoids and stacks
2014-01-01 Biswas, Indranil; Neumann, Frank
Cohomology of moduli stacks of principal $\C^*$-bundles over nodal algebraic curves
2024-01-01 Neumann, Frank; Castorena, Abel
Connections on Lie groupoids and Chern–Weil theory
2024-01-01 Neumann, Frank
Deligne cohomology for differentiable stacks
2024-01-01 Alejandro Barbosa Torres, Luis; Neumann, Frank
Der Satz von Bott für Liesche Schleifenräume und die Eilenberg-Moore Spektralsequenz
1996-01-01 Neumann, Frank
Equivariant cohomology for differentiable stacks
2021-01-01 Barbosa-Torres, La; Neumann, F
Etale homotopy types of moduli stacks of algebraic curves with symmetries
2003-01-01 Frediani, Paola; Neumann, Frank
Etale homotopy types of moduli stacks of polarised abelian schemes.
2016-01-01 Frediani, Paola; Neumann, Frank
Gabriel–Zisman Cohomology and Spectral Sequences
2020-01-01 Gálvez-Carrillo, Imma; Neumann, Frank; Tonks, Andrew
Galois Covers, Grothendieck-Teichmüller Theory and Dessins d’Enfants - An Introduction
2020-01-01 Neumann, F.; Schroll, S.
Geometry of moduli stacks of (k, l)-stable vector bundles over algebraic curves
2017-01-01 Mata-Gutierrez, O; Neumann, F
Homology and rational homotopy spectral sequences of cofibrations
1996-01-01 Neumann, Frank
Homotopy Theory and Arithmetic Geometry-Motivic and Diophantine Aspects: An Introduction
2021-01-01 Neumann, F; Pal, A
Moduli stacks of vector bundles and Frobenius morphisms
2005-01-01 Neumann, Frank; Stuhler, Ulrich
On actions of Frobenius morphisms for moduli stacks of principal bundles over algebraic curves
2024-01-01 Castorena, Abel; Neumann, Frank
On cellularization for simplicial presheaves and motivic homotopy
2007-01-01 Neumann, F; Rodriguez, Jl