A comparative test on the sensitivity of freshwater and marine microalgae to benzo-sulfonamides,-thiazoles and-triazoles
2021-01-01 Canova, L.; Sturini, M.; Maraschi, F.; Sangiorgi, S.; Ferri, E. N.
Aggression and microhabitat segregation among nesting common terns Sterna hirundo and Mediterranean gulls Larus melanocephalus
2004-01-01 Canova, Luca; Fasola, Mauro
Amphibian and reptile communities in eleven Sites of Community Importance (SCI): relations between SCI area, heterogeneity and richness
2007-01-01 Canova, Luca; Marchesi, Marco
Analysis of Environmental Contamination by Metals Using Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus Hair as a Biomonitor: An Appraisal
2024-01-01 Sturini, Michela; Canova, Luca; Maraschi, Federica; Profumo, Antonella
Articoli teriologici nelle principali riviste pubblicate in Italia (1980-2003): analisi e tendenze
2004-01-01 Canova, Luca; Bertolino, S.; Cagnin, M.; Cagnolaro, L.; Martinoli, A.; Merli, Enrico; Nieder, L.; Prigioni, C.; De Marinis, A. M.; Meriggi, Alberto; Apollonio, M.
Asymmetrical competition between the bank vole and the wood mouse, a removal experiment
2000-01-01 Fasola, Mauro; Canova, Luca
Badger Meles meles and Fox Vulpes vulpes food in agricultural land in the western Po Plain (Italy)
1994-01-01 Canova, Luca; Rosa, Paola
Barn swallow antipredator behavior covaries with melanic coloration and predicts survival
2018-01-01 Costanzo, A.; Romano, A.; Ambrosini, R.; Parolini, M.; Rubolini, D.; Caprioli, M.; Corti, M.; Canova, L.; Saino, N.
Bat assemblages from Easyern Lake Turkana, Kenya
2009-01-01 Webala, P; Carugati, Caterina; Canova, Luca; Fasola, Mauro
Bird predation upon the macrobenthos of the Kenyan coastline
2000-01-01 Fasola, Mauro; Canova, Luca; Biddau, L.
Breeding and summering populations of gulls and terns in coastal wetlands of the Adriatic Sea
1989-01-01 Fasola, Mauro; Saino, N; Canova, Luca; Bogliani, Giuseppe
Breeding productivity of egrets and herons at six sites in Asia
2007-01-01 Fasola, Mauro; Canova, Luca; Boncompagni, Eleonora; Muhammad, A.; Najam, R.; Wei, L.; Dong, Y.; Zhang, Y.
Butterflies and day flying moths of Britain and Europe
1989-01-01 Canova, Luca; Rosa, P; Brangi, A.
Colonisation of a new Spoonbill breeding site in NE Italy
2000-01-01 Fasola, Mauro; Canova, Luca; Volponi, S.
Colony site selection by eight species of gulls and terns breeding in the "Valli di Comacchio" (Italy)
1991-01-01 Fasola, Mauro; Canova, Luca
Communities of small mammals in six biotopes of northern Italy
1991-01-01 Canova, Luca; Fasola, Mauro
1994-01-01 Canova, Luca; Maistrello, L.; Emiliani, D.
Conservation of gull and tern coloy sites in Northeastern Italy, an internationally important bird area
1996-01-01 Fasola, Mauro; Canova, Luca
Demografia della popolazione di Spatola Platalea leucorodia nidificante in Italia (1989-2002)
2003-01-01 Canova, Luca; Fasola, Mauro; Volponi, S.
Diel activity of resident and immigrant waterbirds at Lake Turkana, Kenya
1993-01-01 Fasola, Mauro; Canova, Luca