Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.048
EU - Europa 2.398
AS - Asia 1.846
AF - Africa 20
SA - Sud America 14
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 7.328
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.022
CN - Cina 1.658
IE - Irlanda 656
UA - Ucraina 553
FI - Finlandia 314
DE - Germania 283
IT - Italia 220
SG - Singapore 160
SE - Svezia 116
GB - Regno Unito 114
FR - Francia 77
CA - Canada 25
BE - Belgio 23
MU - Mauritius 11
RU - Federazione Russa 11
RO - Romania 10
JP - Giappone 9
IN - India 8
LT - Lituania 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
BR - Brasile 6
NL - Olanda 6
PE - Perù 4
CH - Svizzera 2
IR - Iran 2
KR - Corea 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
PH - Filippine 2
AR - Argentina 1
AU - Australia 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MX - Messico 1
NA - Namibia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TR - Turchia 1
Totale 7.328
Città #
Chandler 742
Jacksonville 679
Dublin 656
Nanjing 477
Nanchang 224
Boardman 215
Ashburn 164
Princeton 156
Hebei 147
Lawrence 139
Jiaxing 133
Shenyang 130
Beijing 128
Changsha 128
Wilmington 126
Singapore 111
Tianjin 89
Milan 76
Hangzhou 63
Ann Arbor 59
Medford 45
Helsinki 40
Verona 32
Woodbridge 32
Shanghai 26
Fairfield 20
Brussels 19
Norwalk 17
Bologna 16
Rome 16
Auburn Hills 15
New York 12
Ottawa 11
Seattle 11
Zhengzhou 11
Changchun 10
Jinan 10
Bucharest 9
Johannesburg 7
Ningbo 7
Taizhou 7
Toronto 7
Des Moines 6
Kunming 6
Lanzhou 6
Osaka 6
Dearborn 5
Los Angeles 5
Pavia 5
Bari 4
Florence 4
Lima 4
San Francisco 4
Fuzhou 3
London 3
Redwood City 3
Bangalore 2
Birmingham 2
Borås 2
Brescia 2
Casoria 2
Catania 2
Chengdu 2
Chicago 2
Gardone Val Trompia 2
Guangzhou 2
Keele 2
Novokuznetsk 2
Reggio Emilia 2
Vientiane 2
Zurich 2
Ōtemae 2
Afragola 1
Angolo Terme 1
Antalya 1
Auckland 1
Banbury 1
Beaufort 1
Bibione 1
Boulder 1
Brendola 1
Budrio 1
Calgary 1
Campinas 1
Carrara 1
Caserta 1
Champaign 1
Cinisello Balsamo 1
Conversano 1
Copenhagen 1
Créteil 1
Dasmarinas 1
Delft 1
Figline Valdarno 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Ghent 1
Glasgow 1
Gothenburg 1
Griffin 1
Haikou 1
Totale 5.146
Nome #
Introduzione ai Materiali Dentari 99
Radiographic evaluation of teeth subjected to high temperatures: experimental study to aid identification processes 98
Materiali e tecnologie odontostomatologiche 87
Observations on dental structures when placed in contact with acids: experimental studies to aid identification processes. 77
FIB/SEM analysis of metal- and zirconia- ceramic interfaces 74
Il termociclaggio dei campioni nello studio dei materiali dentari. 72
Further study of restored and unrestored teeth subjected to high temperatures 72
[An ultrastructural study of the fibrillary component of dental tissues]. 70
Appunti di Materiali Dentari 70
Osservazioni su dispositivi e restauri dentali sottoposti a gradienti di temperatura 69
[Scanning electron microscopy of the extension of odontoblastic prolongations in dentin canaliculi]. 69
[Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents by systemic route as a complement of endodontic therapy]. 69
Effetto del termociclaggio su leghe per metallo-ceramica sottoposte a tests potenziostatici di resistenza a corrosione. 68
[Elastomeric chains in orthodontics. An in vitro evaluation of ten different types]. 68
[Aprismatic external layer of deciduous and permanent teeth]. 68
Commercial 3Y-TZP and nanostructured zirconia for ceramic veneering: a SEM study 68
Observations on endodontically treated and restored teeth when placed in contact with acids: experimental studies to aid identification processes 68
Dental materials and forensic odontology 66
[Biological significance of cortisone in the apical periodontium: soft tissues]. 66
[Biological significance of cortisone in the apical periodontium: hard tissues]. 65
Caratteristiche termiche del cavo orale. 64
Distribution of synaptophysin-immunoreactivity in human dental pulp 64
[Clinical experience with miocamycin in bacterial diseases of odontostomatological relevance]. 64
[Influence of saliva on the adhesiveness of the second paste to the first in the double impression technic]. 64
Le caratteristiche dei materiali dentari influenzabili da variazioni di temperatura 64
Perni endocanalari: una nuova proposta in biossido di zirconio. 63
Indirect inlays restorations: an “in vitro” aging environment study 63
[Characteristic ultrastructural aspects of the surface of various dental plaque bacteria]. 63
[A case of contact dermatitis with elastomers]. 63
Duplicating dentures: an "in vitro" dimensional evaluation study. 62
[Evaluation of therapeutic and protective activity of a new dental paste (TF-798)]. 62
Argomenti di Materiali Dentari 62
[Fidelity to the original of models obtained with the single impression technic with individual tray (bridge of 14 elements)]. 61
[Impression taking with elastic masses in fixed protheses: I: Double impression technique]. 61
[Biological activity of the elastic mass for impression action of samples of microbial cultures obtained from saliva and plaque samples]. 61
Custom made synthesis of 3-6% 3Y-TZP and pure zirconia nanocrystalline powders as dental materials 61
Materiali resinosi e monomero residuo 60
[A new medicated toothpaste]. 60
Observations on dental prostheses and restorations subjected to high temperatures: experimental studies to aid identification processes. 60
Collagen fiber arrangement in temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) disks from human subjects with functional diseases. Scanning electron microscopy investigations. 59
Custom made production of nanostructured 3Y-TZP for prosthetic purpose 59
Effetto del termociclaggio su leghe per metallo-ceramica sottoposte a tests potenziostatici di resistenza a corrosione 58
[Clinical experimental evaluation of 2 new devices used for polishing enamel]. 58
Synthesis of nanostructured fully dense 3Y-TZP for dental applications by a new HP-FAST system 58
Further study of restored and un-restored teeth subjected to high temperatures. 58
A proposito della tossicità dell’amalgama 57
[Light and electron microscopy observations on different tissues of a complex odontoma]. 57
Fondamenti di termologia per lo studio dei materiali dentari 57
Materiali e tecnologie in evoluzione: un aggiornamento critico 56
Immunocytochemical detection of protein p38 in human dental pulp. 56
[Clinical experience in dentistry with ketoprofen (Orudis)]. 56
[Dental tissue-composite bonding. SEM study]. 56
[Vital tissues tolerance of endodontic medication. II. Hard tissues]. 56
Metallurgia e merceologia in ortognatodonzia - Metallurgia dei fili ortodontici 56
Radiographic evaluation of teeth subjected to high temperatures: experimental study to aid identification processes. 56
Observations on dental structures when placed in contact with acids: experimental studies to aid identification processes 56
Incidenza del costo della lega per metallo-ceramica nel costo di produzione di un manufatto odontoprotesico: analisi comparativa. 55
Effect du thermocyclage dans le alliages EN-ISO 9693:1996 subordonés aux tests potentiostatiques de résistence à corrosion 55
[Use of hexetidine as an oral cavity antiseptic]. 55
Alterations due to ampicillin and rifampicin in S. sanguis and S. aureus isolated from dental plaque. An electron microscopic study. 55
[Tomes' granular layer]. 55
Evoluzione di un materiale da impronta siliconico. 54
[Epidemiologic survey of dento-periodontal disease in a compulsory school population in the Codogno region]. 54
[Amelogenesis imperfecta. Scanning electron and polarization microscopy observations]. 54
[An investigation using E.P.R. on sample of bovine enamel, from deciduous and permanent teeth, normal and fluoridated teeth, irradiated with x-rays and beta rays]. 54
Observations on endodontically treated and restored teeth subjected to high temperatures: experimental studies to aid identification processes 54
Leghe al gallio: una possibile alternativa all’amalgama? 53
Wurzelstifte und Aufbaumaterialien. Einfluss der Silanisierung des Substrates. 53
Il Termociclaggio dei campioni sottoposti a test di resistenza alla corrosione A.S.T.M. F746/95: studio preliminare. 53
Identification of dental remains and prosthetic devices under extreme conditions: experimental studies of exposure to high temperatures 53
Materiali e Tecnologie Odontostomatologiche 52
Production of Y-TZP nanostructured sintered samples as core materials 52
Argomenti di Materiali Dentari 52
Incidenza del costo della lega per metallo-ceramica nel costo di produzione di un manufatto odontoprotesico: analisi comparativa 51
Un aggiornamento critico sulla protesi fissa: materiali in evoluzione 51
Perni preformati e materiali per la ricostruzione di monconi: influenza della silanizzazione del substrato. 51
Characterization of 1-3-6% Vs 2% nanocrystalline Y-TZP for dental frameworks 51
Progettazione e realizzazione di un apparecchio automatico per il termociclaggio di campioni 50
Projet et réalisation d’un appareil pour thermocyclage d’échantillons 50
[Guided tissue regeneration: an ultrastructural observation by transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy]. 50
[Sterilization and conservation of endodontic instruments]. 50
Fracture toughness of different zirconia cores and veneered or heat-pressed ceramic layers 50
[Bacterial flora in a septic canal]. 50
Significatività della misurazione del monomero residuo secondo lo Standard UNI EN ISO1567:1999 49
Dental materials and forensic odontology 49
Observations on dental structures and restorative materials subjected to high temperatures in an animal model. Experimental preliminary studies 49
[An external aprismatic layer on temporary and permanent teeth]. 49
[A scanning electron microscopy study of supra- and infragingival calculus]. 49
Endoarticular loose bodies and calcifications of the disck of the temporomandibular joint: morphologycal features and chemical composition. 49
Effects of thermal fluctuations on potentiostatic tests on dental alloys 48
[Elastic masses: attitudes to increase fine detail]. 48
Immunocytochemical detection of protein p38 in human dental pulp. 48
[Action of S. mutans and lactic acid on human enamel protected by a sealant or fluoridated compound]. 48
[Measurement technics]. 48
[The effects of the CO2 laser on human dentin and cementum]. 47
[Fidelity to the original in models obtained with double impression technic (14 element bridge)]. 47
[EPR study of bovine enamel samples from the milk and permanent teeth, normal and fluoridated and X- and beta-ray irradiated: Part 2]. 47
Totale 5.871
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.334
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 29.334

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020387 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 114 5 198 49 2
2020/2021934 124 93 20 99 0 136 5 154 19 140 125 19
2021/2022454 8 1 2 3 1 17 4 26 40 9 93 250
2022/20231.914 192 142 8 179 235 221 0 109 759 10 38 21
2023/2024551 68 106 19 52 75 147 15 25 6 11 17 10
2024/2025446 22 154 54 59 59 80 18 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.362