2D modelling of the Venetian Plain (NE Italy): evolution of a complex forelands basin
2002-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; Bertotti, G.; Catellani, D.; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Fantoni, Roberto; Mancin, Nicoletta
A provenance study of a post-collisional transgressive sequence (Molare Formation, Italy) through integrated facies analysis, mineral chemistry and Ar/Ar dating.
2001-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; Carrapa, B.; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Wijbrans, J.
Cretaceous to Eocene paleobathymetric evolution of the Belluno Basin (Northern Italy) inferred by a micropaleontological approach.
2004-01-01 Mancin, Nicoletta; Cobianchi, Miriam; Barbieri, Chiara; Balconi, Davide
Evolution of a complex foreland basin: toward a modelling of the Venetian region (NE Italy)
2002-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; Bertotti, G.; Catellani, D.; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Fantoni, R.; Mancin, Nicoletta
Evoluzione e modellizzazione di un bacino di avampaese complesso: la pianura padano-veneta.
2002-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; Catellani, D.; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Fantoni, Roberto; Mancin, Nicoletta
Facies analysis, Ar/Ar dating and mineral chemestry: tools for studying paleogeography in a subsiding collisional belt (Ligurian Alps, Italy).
2001-01-01 DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Barbieri, Chiara; Carrapa, B.; Wijbrans, J.
Flexural response of the Venetian foreland to the southalpine orogenesis analysed through 2D crustal modelling
2003-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; Bertotti, G.; Catellani, D.; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Fantoni, R.; Mancin, Nicoletta
Flexural response of the Venetian foreland to the Southalpine orogeny analysed through 2D crustal modelling
2002-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; Bertotti, G.; Catellani, D.; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Fantoni, R.; Mancin, Nicoletta
Flexural response of the Venetian foreland to the Southalpine tectonics along the TRANSALP profile.
2004-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; Bertotti, G.; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Fantoni, R.; Zoetermeijer, R.
La serie clastica oligo-miocenica del Piemonte nord-orientale
2002-01-01 Fantoni, Roberto; Barbieri, Chiara; Bello, M.; Catellani, D.; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Gorla, Luciano; Valdisturlo, A.
La successione paleogenica epiligure della val Secchia (Appennino Settentrionale): biostratigrafia a foraminiferi planctonici e paleobatimetrie
2003-01-01 Mancin, Nicoletta; Martelli, L.; Barbieri, Chiara
Natural subsidence of the Venice area during the last 60 myr
2007-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Massari, F.; Asioli, A.; Bonato, M.; Mancin, Nicoletta
Natural subsidence of Venice: a deeply rooted neverending story
2007-01-01 DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Barbieri, Chiara; Massari, Francesco
Paleobathymetric evolution of the Venetian-Friuli forelan basin (NE Italy): consequences on flexural modelling and relative rate of tectonic vs. sedimentary processes.
2005-01-01 Mancin, Nicoletta; Barbieri, Chiara; Ventura, M.; Catellani, D.; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO
Paleobathymetric reconstruction of the Miocene 'Venetian Foothill' (NE Italy): a multidisciplinary approach based on foraminiferal assemblages and rhodolith facies
2003-01-01 Mancin, Nicoletta; Ventura, M.; Barbieri, Chiara
Patterns of the Messinian erosion in the Venetial-Friulian Basin (NE Italy).
2004-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Fantoni, R.; Picotti, Vincenzo; Zanferrari, Adriano
Provenance of Oligocene synorogenic sediments of the Ligurian Alps (NW Italy): inferences on belt age and cooling history
2003-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; Carrapa, B.; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Wijbrans, J.; Murrel, G.
Reading natural subsidence of Venice during the latest 40 MY from the sedimentary record.
2004-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Massari, F.; Asioli, A.
Subsidence of Venice during Tertiary time.
2003-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Massari, Francesco; Asioli, A.
Tertiary evolution of the Venetian Basin (Northeast Italy) revealed through geohistory analyses.
2004-01-01 Barbieri, Chiara; DI GIULIO, ANDREA STEFANO; Fantoni, R.; Mancin, Nicoletta