Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 466
EU - Europa 364
AS - Asia 257
AF - Africa 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 1.089
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 463
CN - Cina 233
IE - Irlanda 156
FI - Finlandia 58
UA - Ucraina 40
DE - Germania 25
IT - Italia 25
GB - Regno Unito 24
SG - Singapore 23
SE - Svezia 14
BE - Belgio 11
FR - Francia 9
CA - Canada 3
GR - Grecia 2
BR - Brasile 1
MU - Mauritius 1
TR - Turchia 1
Totale 1.089
Città #
Dublin 155
Chandler 109
Nanjing 57
Jacksonville 56
Ann Arbor 54
Beijing 42
Boardman 32
Nanchang 31
Helsinki 26
Wilmington 21
Ashburn 19
Lawrence 19
Princeton 19
Medford 18
Hebei 17
Changsha 15
Shenyang 15
Singapore 14
Woodbridge 13
Jiaxing 12
Brussels 11
Shanghai 11
Tianjin 11
Hangzhou 10
Milan 8
San Francisco 5
Verona 5
Norwalk 4
Lainate 3
Pavia 3
Toronto 3
Changchun 2
Dallas 2
Fairfield 2
Houston 2
Jinan 2
Los Angeles 2
New York 2
Auburn Hills 1
Borås 1
Des Moines 1
Falls Church 1
Florence 1
Kells 1
Lanzhou 1
Newtownabbey 1
Ningbo 1
Orange 1
Prato 1
Seattle 1
Soragna 1
Tappahannock 1
Washington 1
Zhengzhou 1
Totale 848
Nome #
Interaction between central-peripheral chemoreflexes and cerebrocardiovascular control 88
Actomyosin kinetic of pure fast and slow rat myosin isoforms studied by in vitro motility assay approach 78
Temperature Dependence Of Speed Of Actin Filaments Propelled By Slow And Fast Skeletal Myosin Isoforms 78
Two independent mechanical events in the interaction cycle of skeletal muscle myosin with actin 74
Actin sliding velocity on pure myosin isoforms from dystrophic mouse muscles 67
New techniques in linear and non-linear laser optics in muscle research 66
Ultrafast force-clamp spectroscopy of single molecules reveals load dependence of myosin working stroke. 59
ADP Modulation of actin sliding velocity on slow and fast skeletal myosin isoforms at different temperatures 59
Single molecule analysis of mechanical and kinetic properties of pure isoforms of the S1 fraction of skeletal myosin 58
Two steps in the working stroke of skeletal muscle myosin 58
Speed of actin sliding on pure myosin isoforms from dystrophic mouse muscles 54
null 47
Non-processive molecular motors on a leash: a novel single-molecule, microsecond-resolution force clamp 42
The working stroke of skeletal muscle myosin is performed in two steps 42
Lipodystrophy and obesity are associated with decreased number of T cells with regulatory function and pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype 41
Permanence of molecular features of obesity in subcutaneous adipose tissue of ex-obese subjects 40
Temperature dependence of speed of actin filaments (Vf) propelled by different skeletal myosin isoforms 40
Ultra-fast force-clamp spectroscopy data on the interaction between skeletal muscle myosin and actin 40
Temperature dependence of MgATP and MgADP sensitivity of sliding velocity on fast and slow rat myosin isoforms 37
Effect of ADP on the sliding velocity of actin filaments on fast and slow skeletal myosins 35
Totale 1.103
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.345
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.345

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202079 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 10 0 23 33 0
2020/202192 12 9 2 10 1 10 4 13 2 15 12 2
2021/2022101 3 4 0 2 3 0 10 7 6 6 13 47
2022/2023351 28 34 2 27 36 22 0 20 168 1 6 7
2023/202497 10 32 4 8 16 15 0 7 0 2 3 0
2024/202553 7 21 6 6 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.103