Casi di studio. Influenza delle unità di campionamento e della scala di rilevamento sui risultati delle analisi delle relazioni habitat-popolazioni: il caso della Pernice rossa (Alectoris rufa) reintrodotta in Val di Paglia (SI).
2007-01-01 Meriggi, Alberto; Pella, Francesca; VIDUS ROSIN, Anna
Demographic parameters of reintroduced grey partridges in central Italy and the effect of weather
2010-01-01 VIDUS ROSIN, Anna; Meriggi, Alberto; Pella, Francesca; Zaccaroni, Marco
Density and habitat requirements of introduced Eastern cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus in northern Italy
2010-01-01 VIDUS ROSIN, Anna; Meriggi, Alberto; Serrano Perez, Sara
Density and habitat requirements of sympatric hares and cottontails in northern Italy
2009-01-01 VIDUS ROSIN, Anna; Montagna, Alessandro; Meriggi, Alberto; Serrano Perez, Sara
Density and habitat use by the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in an agricultural area of northern Italy
2008-01-01 Serrano Perez, Sara; Jacksic, Dalibor; Meriggi, Alberto; VIDUS ROSIN, Anna
Dynamics of a reintroduced population of grey partridge in central Italy
2005-01-01 Meriggi, Alberto; Pella, Francesca; VIDUS ROSIN, Anna; Zaccaroni, M.
Effects of arboriculture stands on European hare Lepus europaeus habitat use in an agricultural area of northern Italy
2011-01-01 Cardarelli, Elisa; Meriggi, Alberto; Brangi, Anna; VIDUS ROSIN, Anna
Evaluation of genetic variability in Brown hare populations from two protected areas in northern Italy
2011-01-01 Modesto, Paola; CAVA PIER, Luigi; Peletto, Simone; Colussi, Silvia; VIDUS ROSIN, Anna; Meriggi, Alberto; ACUTIS PIER, Luigi
Habitat overlap between sympatric European hares(Lepus europaeus) and Eastern cottontails (Sylvilagusfloridanus) in northern Italy
2011-01-01 VIDUS ROSIN, Anna; Meriggi, Alberto; Cardarelli, Elisa; Serrano Perez, Sara; Mariani Maria, Chiara; Chiara, Corradelli; Barba, Annalisa
Habitat selection and overlap of European hare (Lepus europaeus) and Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) in northern Italy
2007-01-01 VIDUS ROSIN, Anna; Serrano Perez, Sara; Cardarelli, E.
Introduced Lagomorphs as a threat to "native" Lagomorphs: The case of the Eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) in northern Italy.
2007-01-01 VIDUS ROSIN, Anna; Gilio, Nicola; Meriggi, Alberto
Miglioramenti ambientali finalizzati al potenziamento delle popolazioni di Galliformi e Lepre (Lepus europaeus, Pallas).
2007-01-01 Meriggi, Alberto; Brangi, Anna; Pella, Francesca; VIDUS ROSIN, Anna; Zaccaroni, M.; Gandini, S.; Greco, C.; Dessi Fulgheri, F.; Biagioli, O.
Spatial distribution of the Barbary Partridge (Alectoris barbara) in Sardinia explained by land use and climate
2021-01-01 Chiatante, G.; Giordano, M.; Vidus Rosin, A.; Sacchi, O.; Meriggi, A.
Spring diet of the pine marten in Sardinia, Italy
2015-01-01 Lombardini, Marco; Murru, Marco; Repossi, AMBRA MARIAELENA; Cinerari, CLAUDIA ELISA; VIDUS ROSIN, Anna; Mazzoleni, Linda; Meriggi, Alberto