Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 115
EU - Europa 69
AS - Asia 32
OC - Oceania 4
AF - Africa 3
Totale 223
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 112
IE - Irlanda 27
IT - Italia 19
CN - Cina 14
SG - Singapore 13
DE - Germania 7
FI - Finlandia 7
AU - Australia 4
CA - Canada 3
GB - Regno Unito 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
BE - Belgio 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NO - Norvegia 2
SE - Svezia 2
JP - Giappone 1
SC - Seychelles 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 223
Città #
Dublin 26
Ashburn 25
Chandler 19
Singapore 12
Boardman 9
Helsinki 7
Beijing 6
Milan 5
Shanghai 5
Perth 4
Ann Arbor 3
Bologna 3
Falkenstein 3
Lawrence 3
Medford 3
Princeton 3
Santa Clara 3
Verdun 3
Washington 3
Atlanta 2
Bodø 2
Caronno Pertusella 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Glassboro 2
Lainate 2
Los Angeles 2
Milwaukee 2
Nottingham 2
Pavia 2
Ronse 2
Shenzhen 2
Bangkok 1
Brescia 1
Bristol 1
Cork 1
Hamburg 1
Jiujiang 1
Lufkin 1
Norwalk 1
Padova 1
Pescara 1
Sendai 1
Wilmington 1
Totale 181
Nome #
Study and design of a multiport converter Optimized for applications in renewable energy field using flow batteries 50
Renewable Energy Sources and Storage Integration in Offshore Microgrids 45
A Case-Study for the Reduction of CO2 Emissions in an Offshore Platform by the Exploitation of Renewable Energy Sources Through Innovative Technologies Coupled with Energy Storage 36
Model predictive Control of a Double Stage AC-DC Converter for Grid-Interface of Vanadium Flow Batteries 25
Reconfigurable Cascaded Multilevel Converter design for Battery Energy System Storage 23
Self-Tuning Finite-State Model Predictive Control with Grid Impedance Estimation in a Grid-Tied Inverter 20
Integrated Control Strategy Supporting the Optimal Management of a 3-kW Vanadium Redox Flow Battery: a Case Study for an Islanded DC Microgrid 18
Steps towards Decarbonization of an Offshore Microgrid: Including Renewable, Enhancing Storage and Eliminating Need of Dump Load 11
A novel charging approach to Temperature and State of Charge management in BEV 4
A Unified Model Predictive Control for the Grid Integration of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries 3
Totale 235
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.521
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 1.521

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2020/20212 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2021/202218 0 0 0 3 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 8
2022/202367 4 5 3 2 7 4 0 4 30 4 4 0
2023/202462 2 6 5 4 5 19 5 5 0 9 1 1
2024/202586 33 17 4 11 8 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 235