Adolescence in lockdown: The protective role of mentalizing and epistemic trust
2022-01-01 Locati, Francesca; Milesi, Alberto; Conte, Federica; Campbell, Chloe; Fonagy, Peter; Ensink, Karin; Parolin, Laura
Advancement in the child attachment interview and the child and adolescent reflective functioning scale using a PDM-2 framework: case reports
2022-01-01 Bizzi, Fabiola; Locati, Francesca; Parolin, Laura; Goetz Yael, Shmueli; Brusadelli, Emanuela
Associations of mentalization and epistemic trust with internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence: A gender-sensitive structural equation modeling approach
2023-01-01 Locati, Francesca; Benzi, Ilaria Maria Antonietta; Milesi, Alberto; Campbell, Chloe; Midgley, Nicholas; Fonagy, Peter; Parolin, Laura
Beyond the mask of deference: exploring the relationship between ruptures and transference in a single-case study
2016-01-01 Locati, F; De Carli, P; Tarasconi, E; Lang, M; Parolin, L
Distancing the present self from the past and the future: Psychological distance in anxiety and depression
2017-01-01 Rinaldi, L.; Locati, F.; Parolin, L.; Girelli, L.
Emotional aspects of metacognition in anxious rumination: Clues for understanding the psychotherapy process
2017-01-01 Parolin, Laura; De Carli, Pietro; Solomon, Federica; Locati, Francesca
How can I trust you? The role of facial trustworthiness in the development of Epistemic and Interpersonal Trust
2023-01-01 Milesi, A; De Carli, P; Locati, F; Benzi, Ima; Campbell, C; Fonagy, P; Parolin, L
In-session interactive dynamics of the psychotherapy process between therapeutic alliance, therapist expertise, therapist technical intervention, patient metacognition and functioning
2020-01-01 Locati, F.; Rossi, G.; Lang, M.; Parolin, L.
Interactive dynamics among therapist interventions, therapeutic alliance and metacognition in the early stages of the psychotherapeutic process †
2019-01-01 Locati, F.; Rossi, G.; Parolin, L.
Jeremy Safran's impact on Italian psychotherapy research and practice: a window into the processes involved in therapeutic alliance
2019-01-01 Locati, Francesca; Corno, Franco Del; Parolin, Laura
Lo sviluppo della mentalizzazione in età evolutiva. La relazione tra attaccamento e fiducia epistemica
2023-01-01 Parolin, Laura; Zucchelli, Chiara; Locati, Francesca
L’efficacia della psicoterapia psicodinamica per l’età evolutiva
2020-01-01 Locati, Francesca; Parolin, Laura
Maternal perception of emotional expressiveness. A cross-cultural comparison
2020-01-01 Locati, F; Zuccalli, V; Parolin, L
Mentalization, epistemic trust and externalizing problem in adolescence|MENTALIZZAZIONE, FIDUCIA EPISTEMICA E DISTURBI ESTERNALIZZANTI IN ADOLESCENZA
2023-01-01 Parolin, L.; Bonfiglio, A.; Locati, F.; Milesi, A.
The flip side of collaborative alliance: a single-case study
2019-01-01 Locati, Francesca; Carli, Pietro De; Lang, Margherita; Parolin, Laura
The interplay of mentalization and epistemic trust: a protective mechanism against emotional dysregulation in adolescent internalizing symptoms
2024-01-01 Parolin, Laura; Milesi, Alberto; Comelli, Giovanni; Locati, Francesca
The Roberts–2: Italian Validation on a Sample of Children and Adolescents
2020-01-01 Parolin, Laura; De Carli, Pietro; Locati, Francesca
Training Mentalizing Skills In Virtual Reality: An Experimental Treatment For Children
2022-01-01 Locati, F.; Benzi, I. M. A.; Cipresso, P.; Parolin, L.
Walking on a mental time line: Temporal processing affects step movements along the sagittal space
2016-01-01 Rinaldi, L.; Locati, F.; Parolin, L.; Bernardi, N. F.; Girelli, L.