"Il primo filosofo tedesco". Il misticismo di Jakob Böhme nell'interpretazione hegeliana
2012-01-01 Muratori, C
'"We Shall Remove the Sun": Henry More's Neoplatonic Adaptation of Jacob Boehme's Philosophy'
2023-01-01 Muratori, C
'A Philosopher at Randome': Translating Jacob Boehme in Seventeenth-Century Cambridge
2019-01-01 Muratori, C
'A Philosopher Does not Stand Still': Legacies and Receptions of the Philosophus Teutonicus
2019-01-01 Muratori, C
'In human shape to become the very beast!': Henry More on Animals
2017-01-01 Muratori, C
'The First German Philosopher': The Mysticism of Jakob Boehme as Interpreted by Hegel
2016-01-01 Muratori, C
Animali automatici precartesiani: due argomenti a partire da Aristotele
2020-01-01 Muratori, C
Animals in the Renaissance
2022-01-01 Muratori, C
Animals in the Renaissance: You Eat What You Are
2018-01-01 Muratori, C
Aurora nascente. Traduzione, introduzione e commento di Cecilia Muratori
2007-01-01 Boehme, J; Muratori, C
Better Animal Than Human: The Happy Animal and the Human Animal in the Renaissance Reception of Aristotle
2019-01-01 Muratori, C
Between Machinery and Rationality: Two Opposing Views on Animals in the Renaissance - and Their Common Origin
2015-01-01 Muratori, C
Boehme's Philosophia
2017-01-01 Muratori, C
Boehme, Jacob
2020-01-01 Muratori, C
Boehme, Jacob
2022-01-01 Muratori, C
Bread, Wine, and Water: Hegel's Distinction between Mystical and Symbolical in The Spirit of Christianity and its Fate
2013-01-01 Muratori, C
Come vermi nel formaggio: La distinzione tra uomo e animali in una metafora campanelliana
2015-01-01 Muratori, C
Der Zauber und die Eiche. Hegels Begfreiung der philosophischen Sprache Jacob Boehmes
2017-01-01 Muratori, C
Descartes' Error and the Barbarity of Western Philosophy: Schopenhauer in Dialogue with Coetzee's Elizabeth Costello
2008-01-01 Muratori, C
Die Utopie der Politik um 1600: Europa und die Welt in der deutschen Rezeption Tommaso Campanellas
2017-01-01 Muratori, C