Optical power splitters are key components in photonics, in the case of integrated circuits, current technology is mainly based on cascaded Y-splitters and multimode interference (MMI) devices. Cascaded Y-splitters stand out for broadband operation and a relatively simple design but suffer from large footprints and limited flexibility in terms of splitting ratio. MMIs typically exhibit a smaller footprint but have a reduced bandwidth compared to Y-splitters, a complex design is also required to achieve arbitrary splitting.
Optical Power Splitters for Integrated Multimode Photonics
Vitali V.;Lacava C.;Gandolfi M.;De Angelis C.;
Optical power splitters are key components in photonics, in the case of integrated circuits, current technology is mainly based on cascaded Y-splitters and multimode interference (MMI) devices. Cascaded Y-splitters stand out for broadband operation and a relatively simple design but suffer from large footprints and limited flexibility in terms of splitting ratio. MMIs typically exhibit a smaller footprint but have a reduced bandwidth compared to Y-splitters, a complex design is also required to achieve arbitrary splitting.File in questo prodotto:
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