Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.423
EU - Europa 2.482
AS - Asia 1.750
AF - Africa 8
OC - Oceania 7
SA - Sud America 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 7.679
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.390
CN - Cina 1.519
IE - Irlanda 706
UA - Ucraina 472
FI - Finlandia 354
IT - Italia 348
DE - Germania 261
SG - Singapore 199
GB - Regno Unito 117
SE - Svezia 99
FR - Francia 43
BE - Belgio 36
CA - Canada 32
IN - India 8
NL - Olanda 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
AU - Australia 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
ES - Italia 5
LV - Lettonia 5
BR - Brasile 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EU - Europa 3
IR - Iran 3
JP - Giappone 3
MU - Mauritius 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
CH - Svizzera 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
RO - Romania 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TH - Thailandia 2
VN - Vietnam 2
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BZ - Belize 1
CY - Cipro 1
GE - Georgia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
LY - Libia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MY - Malesia 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
PL - Polonia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TR - Turchia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 7.679
Città #
Chandler 753
Dublin 706
Jacksonville 591
Nanjing 452
Boardman 250
Ashburn 216
Nanchang 175
Beijing 171
Singapore 146
Ann Arbor 145
Princeton 136
Lawrence 132
Wilmington 131
Medford 130
Helsinki 129
Shenyang 119
Changsha 107
Hebei 107
Jiaxing 100
Hangzhou 61
Shanghai 61
Tianjin 61
Dearborn 57
Milan 56
Brussels 36
Woodbridge 36
Pavia 30
Genoa 26
Norwalk 21
Torre Del Greco 21
Des Moines 20
Fairfield 20
Verona 20
Los Angeles 19
Toronto 15
Ottawa 14
Auburn Hills 13
Falkenstein 12
Kunming 12
Seattle 12
Cava 9
Falls Church 9
San Francisco 9
Turin 9
Zhengzhou 9
Houston 8
Redwood City 7
Washington 7
Guangzhou 6
Vado Ligure 6
Brno 5
Dallas 5
Florence 5
Jinan 5
New York 5
Novara 5
Pune 5
Santa Clara 5
Taizhou 5
Bologna 4
Brescia 4
Madrid 4
Munich 4
Nave 4
Ningbo 4
Orange 4
Bisceglie 3
Blagoevgrad 3
Canberra 3
Changchun 3
Genova 3
Gerenzano 3
Malayer 3
Trento 3
Anguillara Sabazia 2
Atlanta 2
Bangkok 2
Bergamo 2
Berlin 2
Bordeaux 2
Borås 2
Bratislava 2
Buccinasco 2
Caserta 2
Dalian 2
Dong Ket 2
Fiesole 2
Fort Collins 2
Fuzhou 2
Garbagnate Milanese 2
Hefei 2
Lanzhou 2
Menlo Park 2
Moncalieri 2
Naples 2
Novokuznetsk 2
Nuremberg 2
Peschiera 2
Pisa 2
Pognana Lario 2
Totale 5.547
Nome #
Ricostruzione delle variazioni areali e della linea di equilibrio dei ghiacciai del gruppo Adamello Presanella dalla Piccola ERtà Glaciale ad oggi. 94
“Pre-Geosite” bibliography: a proposal for exploitation. 92
Indagini idrogeologiche nel settore orobico delle Alpi Meridionali tra la Val Seriana e la Val Camonica : strumenti e risultati 92
Studio delle relazioni tra vegetazione, forme del paesaggio fisico e topografia nell¿alto Appennino settentrionale, mediante la realizzazione di un GIS (Geographic Information System). 89
Evaluation of Pleiades images for rainfall-triggered shallow landslides mapping 87
Distribution pattern of lichens in a field of earth hummocks at Eira Pass in the Central Alps (Livigno, Italy). 82
Utilizzo di modelli digitali del terreno in studi geomorfologico-strutturali 82
A methodology of interpretation of PS-InSAR data for detection and studying of geological processes at regional scale. The Piedmont case 81
Studio morfo-strutturale del fronte S dell'Atlante Tunisino attraverso l'analisi di immagini stereoscopiche ASTER 81
Composition of modern stream sand from sedimentary source rocks in a temperate cimate (Northern Apennines, Italy). 80
Alla scoperta della Val Nervia attraverso un sistema WEB-GIS open source interattivo 79
The Geomorphosites in Lombardy 77
An actualistic key from NW Italy to evaluate recycling in ancient fluvial sandstones 76
The use of PSInSAR™ data in landslide detection and monitoring: the example of the Piemonte region (Northern Italy) 76
Un scenario de l'alea environnemental dans la zone comprise entre T. Scrivia et T. Nure 75
WebGIS system in Pavia-Oltrepo area. High cultural geotourism 75
Geological interpretation of PSInSAR data at regional scale 74
Studio morfo-strutturale del fronte S dell'Atlante Tunisino attraverso l'analisi di immagini stereoscopiche Terra-Aster 74
The use of PSInSAR™ and SqueeSAR™ techniques for updating landslide inventories: Piedmont, Lombardy and Liguria case of studies 73
Multi-sensor persistent Scatterer Interferometry land subsidence monitoring in the Alto Guadalentín Basin (Spain) 73
The spatio-temporal pattern of subsidence in the Po basin monitored by different techniques 73
Analisi storica delle deformazioni a cinematismo lento con le tecniche Persistent Scatterer 72
Map Numerical Modelling of Landslides Using Data from Different Monitoring Systems: The Example of Rosone (Western Alps). 72
HySenS data exploitation for urban land cover analysis 71
I laghetti di Esine: 250 anni di sinkholes in Val Camonica (Alpi Meridionali). 70
Land cover changes in abandoned agricultural land in the Northern Apennine (Italy) between 1954 and 2008: spatio-temporal dynamics 70
Uso della tecnica PSInSAR™ nelle problematiche geologico-tecniche 69
Le tecniche radarinterferometriche nella pianificazione territoriale 69
A methodology for improving landslide PSI data analysis 69
A Web 2.0 Framework for Alpine Glaciological Monitoring 69
Rappresentazione cartografica di sistemi a rapida evoluzione. 67
Applicazione di tecniche interferometriche da satellite di tipo Persistent Scatterer in Regione Lombardia 67
Alpine Glaciology: An Historical Collaboration between Volunteers and Scientists and the Challenge Presented by an Integrated Approach 67
Advanced interpretation of ground motion using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry technique: the Alto Guadalentín Basin (Spain) case of study 67
Analysis of PSInSAR data for landslides studies from regional to local scale 66
Volunteer information contribution to glacier mapping 66
Comparing analogue and digital 3D models: reconstruction of a transfer zone from Southern Alps. 65
Composition of modern stream sands derived from sedimentary source rocks in a temperate climate (Northern Apennines, Italy) 65
DEM-based morphotectonics analysis of Western Ligurian Alp 65
Comparison between different methods for shallow landslides susceptibility mapping: an example in Oltrepo Pavese (Northern Italy) 65
The use of PSInSAR™ and SqeeSAR™ techniques for updating landslide inventories: Piedmont, Lombardy and Liguria case of studie 65
A report on the 2012 seismic sequence in Emilia (Northern Italy) 65
Fracture analysis and tectonic evolution of the intra-cratonic Al Qarqaf Arch (Libya) 65
The Geomorphosites in Lombardy 64
Models to predict persistent scatterers data distribution and their capacity to register movement along the slope 64
Mapping geoprocess by means of Persistent Scatterers in Piedmont region (NW Italy): from PSInSAR to SqueeSAR 64
Un approccio morfometrico per l’analisi delle evidenze di neotettonica nella Liguria occidentale 64
Pro and Cons of non-linear SqueeSAR Time Series compared with other monitoring systems in landslides study 63
Map and Monitoring Slow Ground Deformation in NW Italy Using PSI Technique 63
Database di sistemi geo-ambientali a rapida evoluzione 62
Analysis of PSInSAR™ data for landslides studies from regional to local scale 62
Quantitative provenence analysis of modern recycled orogen sands from NW Italy: towards a baseline for determining the importance of recycling in ancient sandstones. 61
Understanding relationships between morphology and ecosystem structure in a shallow tidal basins of Venice lagoon 61
Neotectonocs elements overemphasizing by the DEM image enhancement. Some exemple in the Western Liguria (Italy) 61
Tectonic setting of the eastern sector of the Khuzestan area (Zagros Mountain belt - Iran) from satellite and field data. 60
WESNEP: a wireless environmental sensor network for permafrost studies 60
Monitoring of infrastructural sites by means of advanced multi-temporal DInSAR methods 60
Structural analysis of the Al Qarqaf Arch (Libya) by remote sensing of satellite data 60
PSInSAR for civil protection: the case of Provincia of Brescia (Italy). 59
Tectonic setting of the SE sector of the Taurus Mountains (Kurdistan, Iraq). 59
A web 2.0 platform for a century of glaciological observations in the Italian Alps 59
Modelling coastal processes by means of innovative integration of remote sensing time series analysis 59
Vegetation of abandoned areas in the northern Apennines (Italy): phytosociological aspects and biodiversity analysis 58
History of belts erosion from sediment composition: toward a model for Northern Apennines (Italy). 57
HySenS Data Exploitation for Urban Land Cover Analysis 57
The Olona river alluvial fan anomaly (Nothern Italy): new insights from an integrated sedimentologic-geomorphologic approach. 57
Factors that have an influence on time series 57
Interpretazione geologica e geotecnica dei risultati del monitoraggio SAR (tecnica PS) in Oltrepo Pavese 57
Twenty-year advanced DInSAR analysis of severe land subsidence: The Alto Guadalentín Basin (Spain) case study 57
Tettonica estensionale nel settore sud della regione di Thaumasia (Marte). 56
Potential and limitations of open satellite data for flood mapping 56
The relief of north-western Alps and northern Apennines (Italy): analysis of its relations to lithology and structure 55
Morphological evolution of Scrivia river: natural dynamic and anthropic management 55
Use of Permanent Scatterers Technique for large scale mass movement investigation 55
Studying and monitoring large landslides with persistent scatterer data 55
The structural setting of the Zagros in the Munir area (Iran), from seismic and satellite image data 54
Permanent scatterers technique for wide-area geological hazard detection 54
The 16 November 2006 flank collapse of South-East Crater at Mount Etna, Italy: study of the deposit and hazard assessment 54
Methods for shallow landslides susceptibility mapping: an example in Oltrepo Pavese (Northern Italy) 54
A novel methodology to classify rock glaciers using Sentinel-1 data 54
A Pol-SAR Analysis for Alpine Glacier Classification and Snowline Altitude Retrieval 53
PS interferometry-based studies of landslides at regional scale 52
Regional interpretation of PS-InSAR™ data for engineering-geological process detection and monitoring 52
Shallow landslides susceptibility mapping: comparison of different deterministic methods 52
Ground deformations monitoring by using the Permanent Scatterers Technique: the example of the Oltrepo Pavese (Lombardia, Italy) 52
Combining RADARSAT-2 and COSMO-SkyMed data for alpine permafrost deformation monitoring 52
A User-Oriented Methodology for DInSAR Time Series Analysis and Interpretation: Landslides and Subsidence Case Studies 52
Spatio-temporal modeling of vegetation dynamic in an abandoned land of the Northern Apennine 51
Genesi, sviluppo e declino del popolamento nell’Oltrepò pavese di età romana alla luce dell’evoluzione geomorfologica del paesaggio 51
Monitoring Alpine glacier surface deformations with GB-SAR 51
Use of permanent scatterers technique for large scale mass movement investigation 50
Potential and limitation of PSInSARTM technique for landslide studies in the Piemonte Region (Northern Italy) 50
Spatial analysis of landslide distribution on the Oltrepò Pavese (NW Italy) 50
The Comparison of Hydrologic Distributed Models Computed Using Different Digital Elevation Data. An Example in the Umbria Region, Central Ital 50
Application of multi-sensor advanced DInSAR analysis to severe land subsidence recognition: Alto Guadalentín Basin (Spain) 50
Alpine permafrost deformation monitoring through X- and C-Band SAR multi-temporal interferometry 50
Assessment of the Sentinel-1 based ground motion data feasibility for large scale landslide monitoring 50
Integration of different monitoring techniques: the example of Rosone landslide (Western Alps) 49
Totale 6.408
Categoria #
all - tutte 30.760
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 30.760

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020572 0 0 0 0 0 114 63 121 37 134 90 13
2020/2021840 104 83 17 90 6 104 17 147 20 125 105 22
2021/2022640 13 7 15 8 13 16 16 37 71 11 87 346
2022/20232.104 239 178 34 160 222 228 1 108 851 12 38 33
2023/2024802 125 112 23 64 128 145 14 42 9 29 44 67
2024/2025514 30 163 46 84 78 113 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.794