"Above, below and beside us". Urban rodents and urban poor in C.M. Tucker's Rambles of a rat (1857)
2017-01-01 Granata, Silvia
"Always the same, like Horniman's tea". Deceit and authenticity in Grant Allen's An African Millionaire
2020-01-01 Granata, Silvia
"At once pet, ornament, and 'subject for dissection'": the unstable status of marine animals in Victorian aquaria
2018-01-01 Granata, Silvia
"In the pocket of the detective, in the cell of the convict": textual and visual stories in Richard Marsh's 'The Photographs'.
2013-01-01 Granata, Silvia
"Twelve miles from town". Tradition and progress in Richard Jefferies’s Nature near London (1883)
2022-01-01 Granata, Silvia
'A wild tragedy'; Joseph Addison, la schiavitù e il dibattito sull'educazione
2010-01-01 Granata, Silvia
'Erroneous Sympathy'. Transmigration, the Orient and Animal Welfare in the Eighteenth Century
2008-01-01 Granata, Silvia
'Poisonous Language': Mental Slavery and Self-Recognition in Godwin's Mandeville
2009-01-01 Granata, Silvia
'Take every creature in, of every kind'. Continuity and change in eighteenth-century representations of animals.
2010-01-01 Granata, Silvia
'The inevitable steamboat'. Archibald John Little and steam navigation on the Yangtze river
2023-01-01 Granata, Silvia
Anatomists and Public Opinion: Literary Representations of a Troubled Relationship
2006-01-01 Granata, Silvia
Deceptive bodies. Reading characters in Ellen Wood's fiction.
2014-01-01 Granata, Silvia
Gioco, doveri, educazione nell’Inghilterra di fine Settecento: Thomas Gisborne, An Enquiry into the Duties of the Female Sex’
2011-01-01 Granata, Silvia
Joseph Priestley and the fate of eudiometry: debates on method, progress, and the politics of science
2019-01-01 Granata, Silvia
La Natural History di Gilbert White: idealizzazioni, interpretazioni, riscritture
2021-01-01 Granata, Silvia
Leggere, scrivere e vendere libri. James Lackington tra Memoirs e Confessions
2016-01-01 Granata, Silvia
Quotations as clues: a case of embedded literary criticism
2013-01-01 Granata, Silvia
Recensione a: "Antologia delle poetesse romantiche inglesi", a cura di L.M.Crisafulli e a "Le poetesse romantiche inglesi tra identità e genere", a cura di L.M.Crisafulli e C.Pietropoli,
2004-01-01 Granata, Silvia
Recensione a: "Automi, termometri, fucili. L'immaginario della macchina nel romanzo inglese e francese del settecento", di S.Corso
2005-01-01 Granata, Silvia
Recensione di 'La riflessione sul romanzo nell'Europa del Settecento' a cura di R.Loretelli e U.M.Olivieri
2006-01-01 Granata, Silvia