Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.209
EU - Europa 3.904
AS - Asia 2.398
OC - Oceania 12
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 10
AF - Africa 7
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 11.543
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.182
CN - Cina 2.130
UA - Ucraina 945
IE - Irlanda 936
FI - Finlandia 470
DE - Germania 402
SE - Svezia 398
GB - Regno Unito 314
IT - Italia 243
SG - Singapore 213
FR - Francia 111
BE - Belgio 40
IN - India 30
CA - Canada 26
NL - Olanda 14
AU - Australia 12
EU - Europa 10
TR - Turchia 6
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
ES - Italia 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
AT - Austria 3
NO - Norvegia 3
PH - Filippine 3
PL - Polonia 3
BR - Brasile 2
EG - Egitto 2
PT - Portogallo 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EE - Estonia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
IR - Iran 1
JP - Giappone 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RO - Romania 1
RS - Serbia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 11.543
Città #
Chandler 1.192
Jacksonville 1.051
Dublin 935
Nanjing 678
Boardman 372
Ashburn 324
Nanchang 300
Princeton 238
Hebei 211
Ann Arbor 197
Lawrence 193
Shenyang 181
Medford 174
Wilmington 173
Jiaxing 171
Changsha 163
Singapore 136
Tianjin 121
Milan 113
Hangzhou 93
Beijing 87
Woodbridge 87
Verona 64
Helsinki 60
Norwalk 55
Brussels 39
Houston 31
Los Angeles 29
Des Moines 22
San Francisco 20
Toronto 20
Fairfield 19
Kunming 17
Shanghai 16
Bologna 15
Pune 15
Dearborn 13
Pavia 13
New York 12
Auburn Hills 11
Jinan 11
Ningbo 11
Washington 11
Chicago 10
Dallas 10
Changchun 8
Zhengzhou 8
Melbourne 7
London 5
Seattle 5
Borås 4
Guangzhou 4
Orange 4
Rockville 4
Taizhou 4
Baku 3
Manila 3
Rome 3
Sydney 3
Warsaw 3
Centurion 2
Gauteng 2
Hyderabad 2
Lanzhou 2
Las Vegas 2
Morcone 2
Munich 2
Phoenix 2
Pietrasanta 2
Redwood City 2
Riyadh 2
San Martino Buon Albergo 2
Santa Clara 2
Stockholm 2
Trento 2
Vienna 2
Abbiategrasso 1
Bangkok 1
Belgrade 1
Borgo D'ale 1
Bratislava 1
Cambridge 1
Canberra 1
Cascina 1
Central 1
Charlotte 1
Chiari 1
Como 1
Copenhagen 1
Dhaka 1
Dresden 1
Etobicoke 1
Falkenstein 1
Florence 1
Forest City 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Fuzhou 1
Haifa 1
Haikou 1
Harbin 1
Totale 7.838
Nome #
A low-frequency electromagnetic (LF-EMF) exposure scheme induces autophagy activation to counteract in vitro Abeta-amyloid neurotoxicity 108
Cell miRNAs molecular pathways: the role of EMFs 103
An electromagnetic neural network technique for detecting two dimensional objects embedded in lossy half-spaces, in Non-Linear electromagnetic system 88
A boundary value approach for the evaluation of the electric field distribution inside exposed biological phantoms 86
Modellizzazione e sintesi stocastica della distribuzione del campo elettromagnetico irradiato in ambienti urbani 82
A computational technique based on a real-coded genetic algorithm for microwave imaging purposes 82
Interactions between Microwaves and Exposed Biological Bodies - Assessment of a Boundary Value Approach for the Non-Invasive Electromagnetic Field Prediction 81
A machine learning algorithm for GPR sub-surface prospection 81
Electromagnetic recognition and identification of sub-surface buried objects 80
Autophagy is modulated in human neuroblastoma cells through direct exposition to low frequency electromagnetic fields 78
2D-TM Scattering by dielectric cylinders with weakly quadratic and cubic nonlinearities in the phase velocity 76
A crack identification microwave procedure based on a genetic algorithm for nondestructive testing 75
Microwave medical imaging: potentialities and limitations of a stochastic optimization technique 75
Improving the performances of microwave CAD tools based on genetic algorithms and finite element methods by means of a distributed computing technique 74
A microwave inverse scattering technique for image reconstruction based on a genetic algorithm 73
A locally constrained microwave imaging approach for the estimation of the electromagnetic field distribution in exposed phantoms 73
A comparative study of NN and SVM-based electromagnetic inverse scattering approaches to on-line detection of buried objects 73
Condizioni di assorbimento per la soluzione mediante il metodo degli elementi finiti di problemi di scattering elettromagnetico nel dominio del tempo 72
A microwave imaging method for NDE/NDT based on the SMW technique for the electromagnetic field prediction 72
A computational technique based on a real-coded genetic algorithm for microwave imaging purposes 71
Scattering by multilayer isorefractive elliptic cylinders 71
EMFs exposure affects miR-30a and Beclin1 protein expression 71
Recent results on the existence, uniqueness and finite element approximation of the solution of time-harmonic electromagnetic boundary value problems 70
Comparative results on the performances of finite element boundary truncation techniques in the time domain 70
Simulazione della propagazione elettromagnetica nel terreno tramite codice numerico agli elementi finiti e prima classificazione dielettrico-conduttore di oggetti sepolti mediante rete neuronale 69
Electromagnetic imaging of real targets: a nonmeasurable-current approach 69
A global optimization technique for microwave nondestructive evaluation 69
On the effectiveness of a class of genetic algorithm-based techniques for buried objects detection, reconstruction and imaging 69
On the effectiveness of kernel-based learning-by-examples techniques for electromagnetic subsurface sensing 69
Electromagnetic reconstruction of layered geometries by a neural network and multi-offset data 69
A microwave imaging approach based on amplitude-only data for the reconstruction of the electromagnetic field induced in biological phantoms 68
An electromagnetic supervised learning approach for application to the radar sensing of buried objects 68
An innovative real-time technique for buried object detection 68
GPR Data Enhancement via Multiple Reflections’ Filtering 68
Some considerations about the sampling requirement for the scatterer in an inverse procedure based on a neural network 67
Exploiting different neural network based algorithms for the detection and the characterization of cylindrical buried objects 67
Solution Strategies based on Innovative Evolutionary Optimization Techniques for Microwave Imaging Applications 67
Microwave imaging within the second-order Born approximation: stochastic optimization by a genetic algorithm 67
A Radar-based Technique for Anomaly Detection in Biomedical Diagnostic Applications 67
A layer stripping approach for em reconstruction of stratified media 67
An inverse scattering approach for the electric field prediction in biological bodies 66
Microwave imaging of two-dimensional scatterers using an iterative multi-scaling methodology 66
Assessment of a neural network approach to solve two-dimensional electromagnetic inverse scattering problems 66
Perfectly matched layers for the truncation of finite elements meshes in layered half space geometries and applications to electromagnetic scattering by buried objects 66
GPR Data Analysis in Transport Infrastructure Monitoring 66
A finite element procedure based on a boundary value approach for the evaluation of the electromagnetic exposure in biological phantoms 66
Advances in electromagnetic field prediction inside exposed biological bodies by means of inverse scattering techniques 65
Locally-constrained inverse scattering approach for electromagnetic field prediction 65
Neural network for feature extraction in urban areas via backscattered electromagnetic field inversion 65
Electromagnetic localization of dielectric targets in a 3D geometry by means of a neural network approach 65
Inverse scattering techniques for the prediction of the electromagnetic absorption in phantoms exposed to wireless systems 65
A Non-invasive Electromagnetic Diagnostic Technique Based on Neural Network 65
A neural electromagnetic approach to object identification 65
An electromagnetic neural network technique for detecting two dimensional objects embedded in lossy-half spaces 64
Electromagnetic field prediction inside biological bodies by using an inverse scattering procedure based on a statistical cooling algorithm 64
Ricostruzione di oggetti sepolti tramite reti neurali: identificazione dei dati d'ingresso per sorgenti di illuminazione di tipo pulsato 64
Neural networks trained by scattered electromagnetic data for GPR applications 64
On Data Mining in Inverse Scattering Problems: Neural Networks Applied to GPR Data Analysis 64
Electromagnetic identification algorithm for buried object based on a neural network technique 63
A stochastic tomographic technique for microwave NDE 63
A new GA-based strategy for adaptive antenna array control 63
Optimization approaches for the detection of subsurface defects 63
Analisi delle prestazioni del metodo delgi elementi finiti in presenza di metamateriali 63
Detection, location and imaging of multiple scatterers by means of the iterative multiscaling method 63
A real-time approach to array control based on a learned genetic algorithm 62
Electromagnetic detection of dielectric scatterers using phaseless synthetic and real data and the memetic algorithm 62
Application of a neural network technique for subsurface GPR sensing: preliminary results 62
Analitic SAR computation in a multilayer elliptic cylinder: the near-field line-current radiation case 61
Parallel GA-based approach for microwave imaging applications 61
A NN-Based subsuface monotoring technique exploiting electromagnetic feature extracted by GPR signals 61
Applicazione del metodo degli elementi finiti alla risoluzione di problemi di scattering elettromagnetico nel dominio della frequenza e del tempo 61
A nonlinear inverse scattering method for inhomogeneous dielectric objects based on the nonmeasurable equivalent current density 60
Valutazione del campo elettromagnetico indotto in strutture biologiche esposte mediante un approccio ai valori al contorno 60
Numerical evaluation of the e.m. deposition inside biological structures by means of an inverse scattering technique 59
Requirements for the scattered field acquisitions and the data inversion in an imaging technique based on a neural network 59
Numerical assessment concerning a focused microwave diagnostic method for medical applications 59
Evaluation of the effects of an external incident electromagnetic wave on metallic enclosures with rectangular apertures 59
Imaging from real-scattered data using a nonlinear iterative multi-scaling approach 59
Innovative numerical techniques for the characterization of the field radiated by hand-held mobile phones in the SAR prediction of exposed bodies 59
An electromagnetic approach based on neural networks for the GPR subsurface nondestructive testing 59
An Innovative on-board processor for the real-time GPR monitoring of railway substructure conditions 59
On the training pattern of a neural network for target localization in the spatial domain 59
On the exploitation of neural network for the prediction of the electromagnetic absorption in biological phantoms 59
Geometric and dielectric characterization of buried cylinders by using simple time-domain electromagnetic data and neural network 59
A global optimization technique for microwave nondestructive evaluation 59
Towards the Detection of Multiple Reflections in Time-Domain EM Inverse Scattering of Multi-Layered Media 59
A knwlodge badsed ANN approach for geophysical monotoring of subsurface layers by menas of GPR data 59
Characteristics conditions for spurious-free finite element approximations of electromagnetic eigenproblems 58
Inversion procedures for microwave NDE applications 58
An automatic feature extraction technique for GPR data processing in electromagnetic inverse scattering (invited paper) 58
Recent advances on optimization techniques based on genetic algorithms (GAs) for electromagnetic inverse scattering problems 57
Markov Random Fields and Neural Network for improving multi-source data interpretation 57
A multi-source strategy based on a learning-by-examples technique for buried object detection 57
An electromagnetic approach based on neural networks for the GPR investigation of buried cylinders 57
Some results concerning the uniqueness and the regularity of the solutions of microwave boundary--value problems 56
Electromagnetic scattering by a multilayer elliptic cylinder under line-source illumination 56
Crack detection in lossy two-dimensional structures by means of a microwave imaging approach 56
Uniqueness of the solution of electromagnetic boundary value problems in the presence of partly lossy chiral media 56
An iterative multi-resolution approach for microwave imaging applications 56
Totale 6.682
Categoria #
all - tutte 41.417
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 41.417

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020647 0 0 0 0 0 168 27 170 7 191 82 2
2020/20211.657 175 144 64 166 4 235 21 230 69 254 230 65
2021/2022905 17 9 17 4 6 15 12 58 35 6 140 586
2022/20233.073 297 239 53 313 378 363 0 164 1.144 12 75 35
2023/2024745 76 136 37 85 92 198 21 54 4 29 3 10
2024/2025533 35 238 66 102 21 71 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.598