A Compositional Account of L2 Verb Actionality and the Aspect Hypothesis
2008-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
A quantum cognition approach to the Study of Second Language Acquisition
2016-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Aboutness in a second language text: A large-scale study on topic reactivation by L2 Italian learners
2022-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Actional shift across Aspectual Morphology in L2 italian: An event phase-sentence matching study
2015-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Apparently identical verbs can be represented differently: comparing L1–L2 inflection with contingency-based measure Delta P
2022-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Azionalità e sostituzioni lessicali nei primi verbi dell'italiano L2
2008-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Below the Unaccusativity threshold: Eye movements of tutored L2 learners of Italian
2010-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Boh: Le interiezioni nella linguistica e nella didattica dell'italiano
2003-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Che cos'è la didattica acquisizionale
2009-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Contingency learning and perfective morpheme productivity in L2 Italian: A study on lexeme–morpheme associations with ΔP
2020-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Corpora di italiano L2: tecnologie, metodi, spunti teorici
2009-01-01 Andorno, C.; Rastelli, Stefano
Developing Actional competence and the building blocks of telicity in L2 Italian
2013-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano; Vernice, M.
Didattica acquisizionale e cortesia linguistica in italiano L2
2009-01-01 Nuzzo, E.; Rastelli, Stefano
Different effects of syntactic knowledge, associative memory and working memory in L2 processing of filler-gap dependencies
2015-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano; Arianna, Zuanazzi
Discontinuity in Second Language Acquisition: The switch between Statistical and Grammatical Learning
2014-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
E' tempo di superare il programma Marco Polo turandot
2021-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Easy-to-listen automatic messages for angry clients of a telephone company
2019-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Electrophysiological correlates of aspectual coercion: the combination of telic and atelic Italian predicates with in/for X-time expressions
2022-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Electrophysiological insights on aspectual coercion
2023-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano
Event-related potentials in the study of L2 sentence processing: A scoping review of the decade 2010-2020
2022-01-01 Rastelli, Stefano; Antonicelli, Giada