"The nights here are wonderful; and I am never weary of observing the loveliness of the skies". Tourists with Disabilities in Italy in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
2021-01-01 Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo; Maffi, Luciano
Agricultural Science in Napoleonic Universities
2019-01-01 Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo
Demetra in classe. L'istruzione agraria per l'infanzia tra Settecento e Novecento
2023-01-01 Fagnani, MARTINO LORENZO; Maffi, Luciano
Disability and Tourism in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Italy
2021-01-01 Maffi, Luciano; Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo
From botany to agriculture: The scientific network linking Great Britain, Spain and Italy in the late eighteenth century
2021-01-01 Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo
From ‘pure botany’ to ‘economic botany’ – changing ideas by exchanging plants: Spain and Italy in the late eighteenth and the early nineteenth century
2022-01-01 Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo
Gli studi agrari tra fine Settecento e inizio Ottocento. Modelli comparativi tra antichi Stati italiani, Francia e penisola iberica
2021-05-06 Fagnani, MARTINO LORENZO
Gorgonzola: Italian taste in the world between banquets, exhibitions, and technology, 1850s–1930s
2024-01-01 Maffi, Luciano; Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo
Is it better to acclimate or substitute? Plant products, science and economy in Northern Italy (late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries)
2022-01-01 Fagnani, MARTINO LORENZO
Italian “economic botanists” and State-science cooperation (late eighteenth-early nineteenth century)
2020-01-01 Fagnani, MARTINO LORENZO
L'agraria "italiana" prima e dopo Napoleone. Percorsi formativi di una scienza
2020-01-01 Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo
L’acclimatation de l’arachide en Italie. Succès, échecs et réseaux de connaissances (XVIIIe-XIXe siècle)
2024-01-01 Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo
Milano "in omnibus". Esposizioni e turismo urbano nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento
2018-01-01 Maffi, Luciano; Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo
Orti, testi e pensieri: il dialogo tra botanici spagnoli e italiani (XVIII - inizi XIX secolo)
2023-01-01 Fagnani, MARTINO LORENZO
Ricostruire l’Italia dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale: turismo per giovani mutilati e mutilate come simbolo di ripresa
2021-01-01 Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo; Maffi, Luciano
Storia, botanica ed economia Intrecci disciplinari tra Sette e Ottocento
2024-01-01 Fagnani, M. L.
Studying “useful plants” from Maria Theresa to Napoleon: Continuity and invisibility in agricultural science, northern Italy, the late eighteenth to early nineteenth century
2021-01-01 Fagnani, MARTINO LORENZO
Teaching in Rural Communities of the Po Valley, 1861-1900: An Idea of Agricultural Education Described by Agrarian Bulletins
2022-01-01 Maffi, Luciano; Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo
The Development of Agricultural Science in Northern Italy in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century
2023-01-01 Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo
The Man Who Organized Nature: The Life of Linnaeus, by Gunnar Broberg
2025-01-01 Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo