Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 311
EU - Europa 248
AS - Asia 76
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 636
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 309
IE - Irlanda 176
CN - Cina 39
IT - Italia 31
SG - Singapore 29
FI - Finlandia 17
DE - Germania 15
IR - Iran 4
SE - Svezia 3
CA - Canada 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
JP - Giappone 2
AL - Albania 1
CH - Svizzera 1
EC - Ecuador 1
Totale 636
Città #
Dublin 172
Chandler 104
Shanghai 33
Boardman 31
Ashburn 18
Singapore 18
Helsinki 17
Lawrence 17
Medford 17
Princeton 17
Taranto 13
Pavia 7
Munich 5
Beijing 3
Hangzhou 3
Atlanta 2
Brno 2
Chicago 2
Gunzenhausen 2
Hong Kong 2
Huddinge 2
New York 2
Rome 2
Tokyo 2
Zanjan 2
Campbellsville 1
Casoria 1
Edmonton 1
Geneva 1
Genoa 1
Los Angeles 1
Milan 1
Milton Keynes 1
Padova 1
Piscataway 1
Quito 1
Santa Clara 1
Seattle 1
Tirana 1
Vancouver 1
Wilmington 1
Totale 511
Nome #
Admissions to emergency department appropriateness during covid-19 second wave in a large metropolitan hospital in northern italy 43
Health Sciences students' immunization behavior: Differences among Italian universities 35
The Effect of Smoking on Humoral Response to COVID-19 Vaccines: A Systematic Review of Epidemiological Studies 33
The use of digital technologies to support vaccination programmes in europe: State of the art and best practices from experts’ interviews 32
Transition to retirement impact on health and lifestyle habits: analysis from a nationwide Italian cohort 31
Covid-19 and recreational skiing: Results of a rapid systematic review and possible preventive measures 31
Immediate adverse events following covid-19 immunization. A cross-sectional study of 314,664 Italian subjects 30
Knowledge and attitudes towards Zika virus: an Italian nation-wide cross-sectional study 30
Application of the “immunization islands” model to improve quality, efficiency and safety of a COVID-19 mass vaccination site 29
COVID-19 vaccination surveillance: a public health commitment 28
Association between social network characteristics and prevalent and incident depression: The Maastricht Study 28
Is there an association between self-reported vaccination knowledge and the immunization behaviour of Health Sciences students. 26
Does retirement trigger depressive symptoms? A systematic review and meta-analysis 26
Association between urban greenspace and health: A systematic review of literature 25
Vaccine procurement: A conceptual framework based on literature review 24
Type 1 diabetes patients’ practice, knowledge and attitudes towards influenza immunization 24
Epidemiological assessment of the first COVID-19 epidemic wave in Lombardy. A systematic review 23
Challenges and opportunities of mass vaccination centers in covid-19 times: A rapid review of literature 23
Reasons behind flu vaccine acceptance and suggested interventions to promote flu vaccination acceptance among healthcare workers 20
Safety and efficacy of spray intranasal live attenuated influenza vaccine: Systematic review and meta‐analysis 20
[Design and validation of a questionnaire for assessing Public Health residents' opinions and knowledge regarding the new mandatory vaccination law in Italy (DL 73/2017)] 19
Opinion, knowledge and attitude of public health residents towards the new mandatory vaccination law in Italy 18
Diets, Dietary Patterns, Single Foods and Pancreatic Cancer Risk: An Umbrella Review of Meta-Analyses 14
Association between Malnutrition and Depression in Patients with Cancer: The Importance of Nutritional Status Evaluation in Cancer Care 11
Public Health Residents' Anonymous Survey in Italy (PHRASI): Study Protocol for a Cross-Sectional Study for a Multidimensional Assessment of Mental Health and Its Determinants 11
Association between dietary patterns and depression: an umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational studies and intervention trials 11
Frontline health workers: training needs assessment on immunisation programme. An EU/EEA‐based survey 10
Depressive Symptoms of Public Health Medical Residents during the COVID-19 Pandemic, a Nation-Wide Survey: The PHRASI Study 8
Daily patterns of physical activity, sedentary behavior, and prevalent and incident depression-The Maastricht Study 6
Training needs assessment of European frontline health care workers on vaccinology and vaccine acceptance: a systematic review 3
Totale 672
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.064
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 5.064

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/202273 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 15 8 4 34
2022/2023368 21 32 2 11 54 19 0 20 189 3 14 3
2023/2024150 9 39 12 12 8 23 27 9 0 3 5 3
2024/202581 30 32 10 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 672