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Noun-verb dissociation in aphasia: type/token differences in the analysis of spontaneous speech 1
Finger Movements and Eye Movements During Adults’ Silent and Oral Reading 1
Space and time in the sighted and blind 1
Naming of nouns and verbs in aphasia: preliminary results of a word retrieval task in a sentence context 1
Selective Neural Entrainment Reveals Hierarchical Tuning to Linguistic Regularities in Reading 1
Morphemes as letter chunks: Discovering affixes through visual regularities 1
Algorithms for the automated correction of vertical drift in eye-tracking data 1
Noun-verb dissociation in aphasia: The role of imageability and functional locus of the lesion 1
Cognitive theory development as we know it: specificity, explanatory power and the brain 1
No fruits without color: Cross-modal priming and EEG reveal different roles for different features across semantic categories 1
A place for nouns and a place for verbs? A critical review of neurocognitive data on grammatical-class effects 1
Does morphological structure modulate access to embedded word meaning in child readers? 1
Rethinking First Language–Second Language Similarities and Differences in English Proficiency: Insights From the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) Project 1
Masked Morphological Priming and Sensitivity to the Statistical Structure of form-to-Meaning mapping in L2 1
Morphemes as letter chunks: Linguistic information enhances the learning of visual regularities 1
The nature of semantic priming by subliminal spatial words: Embodied or disembodied? 1
Long term follow–up of neuropsychological functions in patients with high grade gliomas: can cognitive status predict patient’s outcome after surgery? 1
Editorial: The Variable Mind? How Apparently Inconsistent Effects Might Inform Model Building 1
Focus on what’s informative and ignore what’s not: Communication strategies in a referential game 1
Neuro-anatomical correlates of impaired retrieval of verbs and nouns: Interaction of grammatical class, imageability and actionality 1
Letter chunk frequency does not explain morphological masked priming: Affix frequency in masked priming 1
Frequency-based neural discrimination in fast periodic visual stimulation 1
Orthographic consistency influences morphological processing in reading aloud: Evidence from a cross-linguistic study 1
Open Science, Fair Science: garantire la trasparenza della scienza attraverso l'organizzazione della pratica quotidiana in laboratorio 1
Processing differences across regular and irregular inflections revealed through ERPs 1
Brain network reconfiguration for narrative and argumentative thought 1
Head position and the mental representation of Italian nominal compounds: a constituent priming study in Italian 1
Food in the corner and money in the cashews: Semantic activation of embedded stems in the presence or absence of a morphological structure 1
Seeing stems everywhere: Position-independent identification of stem morphemes 1
Meaning is in the beholders's eye: Morpho-semantic effects in masked priming 1
Morphemes in their place: Evidence for position specific identification of suffixes 1
Noun-verb double dissociation in aphasia: theoretical and neuroanatomical foundations 1
The role of morphology in novel word learning: a registered report 1
Morphological processing as we know it: An analytical review of morphological effects in visual word identification 1
Top-down feedback normalizes distortion in early visual word recognition: Insights from masked priming 1
Catching a captcha: The impact of variable input on the processing of emerging orthographic representations 1
Brain areas underlying retrieval of nouns and verbs: Grammatical class and task demand effects 1
Multilab Direct Replication of Flavell, Beach, and Chinsky (1966): Spontaneous Verbal Rehearsal in a Memory Task as a Function of Age 1
For a probabilistic and multidisciplinary approach to the investigation of morphological processing 1
How to become twice more precise in detecting neuropsychological impairments 1
‘Fell’ primes ‘fall’, but does ‘bell’ prime ‘ball’? Masked priming with irregularly-inflected primes 1
On nouns, verbs, lexemes and lemmas: Evidence from the spontaneous speech of seven aphasic patients 1
Form and Function: A Study on the Distribution of the Inflectional Endings in Italian Nouns and Adjectives 1
Knowledge of statistics or statistical learning? Readers prioritize the statistics of their native language over the learning of local regularities 1
Prediction at the intersection of sentence context and word form: Evidence from eye-movements and self-paced reading 1
Augmented Modality Exclusivity Norms for Concrete and Abstract Italian Property Words 1
The fruitless effort of growing a fruitless tree: Early morpho.orthographic and morpho-semantic effects in sentence reading 1
A general-purpose mechanism of visual feature association in visual word identification and beyond 1
Lexical and semantic access in Letter-by-Letter Dyslexia: A case report 1
Clustering the lexicon in the brain: a meta-analysis of the neurofunctional evidence on noun and verb processing 1
Semantic transparency in free stems: the effect of orthography-semantics consistency in word recognition 1
Effects of grammatical class and morphological structure in Chinese: A mixed logit model study on picture and word naming 1
Is Verbal Rehearsal Strategic? An Investigation into Overt Rehearsal of Nameable Pictures in 5- to 10-Year-Old Children 1
Automatic morpheme identification across development: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) evidence from fast periodic visual stimulation 1
Lexical-Semantic Variables Affecting Picture and Word Naming in Chinese: A Mixed Logit Model Study in Aphasia 1
Seeing Stems Everywhere and Being Blind to Affixes 1
Local associations and semantic ties in overt and masked semantic priming 1
Morpheme Position Coding in Reading Development as Explored With a Letter Search Task 1
Masked suffix priming and morpheme positional constraints 1
Similar object shape representation encoded in the inferolateral occipitotemporal cortex of sighted and early blind people 1
Stepping out of the Chinese Room: Word meaning with and without consciousness 1
The concreteness advantage in lexical decision does not depend on perceptual simulations 1
Lexical Access Speed and the Development of Phonological Recoding during Immediate Serial Recall 1
Nouns and verbs in the brain: Grammatical class and task specific effects as revealed by fMRI 1
A new test of action verb naming: normative data from 290 italian adults 1
Spatiotemporal dynamics of abstract and concrete semantic representations 1
MultiPic: A standardized set of 750 drawings with norms for six European languages 1
Do Children (and Adults) Benefit From a Prediction Error Boost in One-Shot Word Learning? 1
Consistency measures individuate dissociating semantic modulations in priming paradigms: A new look on semantics in the processing of (complex) words 1
Morphological Processing of Printed Nouns and Verbs: Cross Class Priming Effects 1
The psycholinguistic and affective structure of words conveying pain 1
Readers target words where they expect to minimize uncertainty 1
Eye-voice and finger-voice spans in adults’ oral reading of connected texts 1
Totale 73
Categoria #
all - tutte 276
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 276

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2024/202573 0 0 0 0 0 73 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 73