Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.535
EU - Europa 5.928
AS - Asia 4.655
SA - Sud America 30
OC - Oceania 18
AF - Africa 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 10
Totale 19.190
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.490
CN - Cina 4.153
IE - Irlanda 1.830
UA - Ucraina 1.141
FI - Finlandia 807
DE - Germania 686
SE - Svezia 548
IT - Italia 434
SG - Singapore 389
GB - Regno Unito 234
FR - Francia 134
JP - Giappone 56
CA - Canada 38
BE - Belgio 27
NL - Olanda 24
RU - Federazione Russa 22
BR - Brasile 15
IN - India 13
VN - Vietnam 13
AU - Australia 12
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
EU - Europa 10
MU - Mauritius 9
SA - Arabia Saudita 7
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
BO - Bolivia 5
CO - Colombia 5
IR - Iran 5
ES - Italia 4
LV - Lettonia 4
MX - Messico 4
CL - Cile 3
HU - Ungheria 3
ID - Indonesia 3
OM - Oman 3
AT - Austria 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
IL - Israele 2
KR - Corea 2
MY - Malesia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PL - Polonia 2
RS - Serbia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TR - Turchia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
CH - Svizzera 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
RO - Romania 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 19.190
Città #
Chandler 1.851
Dublin 1.828
Jacksonville 1.528
Nanjing 1.286
Boardman 655
Ashburn 525
Nanchang 525
Princeton 436
Lawrence 418
Shenyang 375
Hebei 370
Wilmington 367
Changsha 332
Jiaxing 322
Singapore 232
Medford 227
Beijing 204
Tianjin 204
Hangzhou 197
Helsinki 158
Ann Arbor 127
Milan 114
New York 112
Shanghai 101
Woodbridge 91
Norwalk 71
Tokyo 53
Pavia 47
Verona 47
Falls Church 43
Seattle 39
Piscataway 38
Fairfield 33
Toronto 30
Kunming 28
Los Angeles 28
Brussels 27
Des Moines 25
San Genesio Ed Uniti 25
Ningbo 23
Jinan 18
Washington 17
Zhengzhou 17
Falkenstein 16
Dearborn 15
Taizhou 14
Rome 13
San Francisco 13
Guangzhou 12
Brno 11
Orange 11
Bologna 10
Chicago 10
Lanzhou 10
Auburn Hills 9
Changchun 9
Fuzhou 9
Munich 9
Baucina 8
Borås 8
Dong Ket 8
Redwood City 7
Riyadh 7
São Paulo 7
Amsterdam 6
Prineville 6
Redmond 6
Buffalo 5
Cambridge 5
Dallas 5
Hanoi 5
Las Vegas 5
Novokuznetsk 5
Pune 5
Berlin 4
Houston 4
Melbourne 4
Tappahannock 4
Adelaide 3
Canberra 3
Carbonara al Ticino 3
Cartagena 3
Godega di Sant'Urbano 3
Monza 3
Mumbai 3
Muscat 3
Paris 3
Phoenix 3
Pomigliano d'Arco 3
Quinzano d'Oglio 3
Rozzano 3
Strasbourg 3
Tlalpan 3
Turin 3
Acqui Terme 2
Ancona 2
Andover 2
Arnold 2
Auckland 2
Augusta 2
Totale 13.539
Nome #
Patogenesi dell'oftalmopatia basedowiana 87
Aging and sexuality in women 83
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibits megalin-mediated transcytosis of thyroglobulin across thyroid epithelial cells at a post-sorting level. 82
Real-time PCR provides evidence for thyrotropin receptor mRNA expression in orbital as well as in extraorbital tissues. 81
Temporal data mining and process mining techniques to identify cardiovascular risk-associated clinical pathways in Type 2 diabetes patients 79
Use of cells expressing the human thyrotropin (TSH) receptor for the measurement of thyroid stimulating and TSH-blocking antibodies. 78
Management of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women: current and emerging therapies. 78
Evidence for a role of type III iodothyronine deiodinase in the regulation of 3, 5, 3'-triiodothyronine content in human central nervous system 78
Congenital hypothyroidism due to a new deletion in the sodium/iodide symporter protein. 77
TSH receptor antibodies do not alter the function of gonadotropin receptors stably expressed in eukaryotic cells. 76
Are TSH blocking antibodies responsible of hypothyroidism in Hashimoto's thyroiditis? 75
Expression of cAMP-responsive element binding protein and inducible cAMP early repressor in hyperfunctioning thyroid adenomas. 74
Graves' disease. 74
Immunoglobuline tireostimolanti. 74
A Unique Patient Presenting with Concomitant Klinefelter Syndrome, Alport Syndrome and Craniopharyngioma. 70
TNF-α increases the membrane expression of the chemokine receptor CCR6 in thyroid tumor cells, but not in normal thyrocytes: potential role in the metastatic spread of thyroid cancer 70
An unusual therapeutic approach to a large thyroid nodule 69
A data gathering framework to collect Type 2 diabetes patients data 69
Antigen-antibody systems involved in thyroid autoimmunity. 68
Effect of Interferon-γ on the Basal and the TNF α-Stimulated Secretion of CXCL8 in Thyroid Cancer Cell Lines Bearing Either the RET/PTC Rearrangement or the BRAF V600e Mutation 68
Silent Familial Isolated Pituitary Adenomas: Histopathological and Clinical Case Report. 68
The sodium-iodide symporter protein is always present at a low expression and confined to the cell membrane in nonfunctioning nonadenomatous nodules of toxic nodular goitre. 67
Prevalence of Double Pituitary Adenomas in a Surgical Series: Clinical, Histological and Genetic Features. 67
Shear wave elastography in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules: feasibility in the case of coexistent chronic autoimmune Hashimoto's thyroiditis 67
A hypoechoic pattern of the thyroid at ultrasound does not indicate autoimmune thyroid diseases in patients with morbid obesity. 66
Radioiodine is an effective, inexpensive, and safe treatment for Graves' hyperthyroidism, its immunological effects must be taken into account. 65
Thyroid stimulating antibody (TSAb) mimics TSH in its ability to stimulate the expression of the microsomal antigen on the surface of continuously cultured rat thyroid cells. 65
Binding of radioiodinated autoantibodies to intact human thyroid cells: evidence for cell surface antigens. 65
L-thyroxine therapy induces a fall of thyroid microsomal and thyroglobulin antibodies in idiopathic myxedema and in hypothyroid, but not in euthyroid Hashimoto's thyroiditis. 65
Hormonal and psycho-relational aspects of sexual function during menopausal transition and at early menopause. 64
Clinical assessment and systemic manifestations of hypothyroidism 64
Serum iodothyronines in the human fetus and the newborn: evidence for an important role of placenta in fetal thyroid hormone homeostasis. 64
Aggiornamento dell'elenco dei farmaci e delle specialità commerciali. 64
Circulating soluble interleukin 2 receptor concentration is increased in both immunogenic and nonimmunogenic hyperthyroidism. 64
Type I and type II interferons inhibit both basal and tumor necrosis factor-α-induced CXCL8 secretion in primary cultures of human thyrocytes. 64
Stressful life events and Graves' disease. 64
Improving Clinical Decisions on T2DM Patients Integrating Clinical, Administrative and Environmental Data 64
Gonadotrophin receptor blocking antibodies measured by the use of cell lines stably expressing human gonadotrophin receptors are not detectable in women with 46,XX premature ovarian failure. 63
Hormonal management of migraine at menopause. 63
Intraepidermal nerve fiber density reduction as a marker of preclinical asymptomatic small-fiber sensory neuropathy in hypothyroid patients. 63
Gain of function TSH receptor mutations and iodine deficiency: implications in iodine prophylaxis 63
Activating thyrotropin receptor mutations in histologically heterogeneous hyperfunctioning nodules of multinodular goiter. 63
A dashboard-based system for supporting diabetes care 63
Binding of low density lipoprotein receptor-associated protein (rap) to thyroglobulin (tg): putative role of rap in the tg secretory pathway 63
Binding of heparin to human thyroglobulin (Tg) involves multiple binding sites including a region corresponding to the binding site of rat Tg. 62
Tumori della Tiroide 62
Modificazioni del sistema endocrino nei soggetti obesi 62
Ipotiroidismo congenito transitorio. Valutazione sequenziale degli autoanticorpi bloccanti il recettore del TSH nella madre e nel neonato. 62
Anti-Mullerian hormone as a predictor of ovarian reserve in ART protocols: The hidden role of thyroid autoimmunity 62
Non-palpable thyroid nodules in a borderline iodine-sufficient area: detection by ultrasonography and follow-up 62
Autoimmune hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in patients with Turner's syndrome. 61
Terapia dei disordini mestruali in corso di malattie della tiroide. 61
Studies on thyroid cell surface antigens using cultured human thyroid cells. 61
Identification and characterization of circulating thyroid hormone autoantibodies in thyroid diseases, in autoimmune non thyroid illnesses and in lymphoreticular system disorders. 61
Pretransplant Positivity for Circulating Thyroid Antibodies and Graft Survival in Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplant. 61
Performance of the ACR TI-RADS and EU TI-RADS scoring systems in the diagnostic work-up of thyroid nodules in a real-life series using histology as reference standard 61
Targeting of thyroglobulin to transcytosis following megalin-mediated endocytosis: evidence for a preferential pH-independent pathway. 60
Hyperplasia-adenoma sequence in pituitary tumorigenesis related to aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein gene mutation. 60
TSH receptor autoantibodies affecting thyroid cell function. 60
Saper prescrivere un cortisonico. 60
Patient with de novo 12p+ syndrome identified as dir dup (12) (p13) using subchromosomal painting libraries from somatic cell hybrids. 60
In vitro assay of thyroid disruptors affecting TSH-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. 60
The AMPK-activator AICAR in thyroid cancer: effects on CXCL8 secretion and on CXCL8-induced neoplastic cell migration 60
Burkitt-like lymphoma infiltrating a hyperfunctioning thyroid adenoma and presenting as a hot nodule. 60
Pulmonary sequestration: a 131I whole body scintigraphy false-positive result. 60
Risk factors for congenital hypothyroidism: results of a population case-control study (1997-2003). 59
Ipotiroidismo Congenito 59
Appearance of thyroid stimulating antibody and Graves' disease after radioiodine therapy for toxic nodular goitre. 59
Study of serum 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine sulfate concentration in patients with systemic non-thyroidal illness. 59
CXCL8 in thyroid disease: From basic notions to potential applications in clinical practice. 59
Impaired outcome of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in women with thyroid autoimmune disease. 59
Aberrant expression of HLA-DR antigen on thyrocytes in Graves' disease: relevance for autoimmunity. 59
TSH-receptor and GSa genetic analysis in children with Down's syndrome and subclinical hypothyroidism. 58
Sporadic nonautoimmune congenital hyperthyroidism due to a strong activating mutation of the thyrotropin receptor gene. 58
The location and the regulation of the type I-iodothyronine 5'-monodeiodinase (type I-MD) in the rat thyroid: studies using a specific anti-type I-MD antibody. 58
The effect of staphylococcal enterotoxin B on thyrocyte HLA molecule expression. 58
In vitro and in vivo reversal of thyroid epithelial polarity: its relevance for autoimmune thyroid disease. 58
Thyroid autoantigens and their relevance in the pathogenesis of thyroid autoimmunity. 58
Autoantibodies stimulating thyroid growth and adenylate cyclase cannot be separated in IgGs from patients with active Graves' disease. 58
Expanding the therapeutic spectrum of metformin: From diabetes to cancer 58
Disease modifying therapies in multiple sclerosis: Could a baseline thyroid check-up drive the therapeutic choice between interferon-β and glatiramer acetate? 58
Use of the Italian translation of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) in routine gynecological practice. 58
Graves'-like orbitopathy in a patient with chronic autoimmune pancreatitis. 57
The growing importance of receptor antibodies for thyroidology. 57
Thyrotropin releasing hormone. 57
Thyroid autoimmunity and neuropsychological development. 57
Insulin autoantibodies as markers of potential diabetes mellitus. 57
Identification of thyroglobulin in orbital tissues of patients with thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy 56
Repeated laser thermal ablation of a large functioning thyroid nodule restores euthyroidism and ameliorates constrictive symptoms. 56
Thyroiditis 56
Prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies in children and adolescents from Belarus exposed to the Chernobyl radioactive fallout. 56
PAX8 mutations associated with congenital hypothyroidism caused by thyroid dysgenesis. 56
Effect of TSH and thyroid-stimulating antibody (TSAb) on the desensitization of the adenylate cyclase activity in FRTL-5 cells. 56
Thyroid-directed antibodies. 56
Anti-thyroglobulin and anti-microsomal autoantibodies in thyroid disorders. 56
Embriologia, anatomia, fisiologia e semeiotica funzionale della tiroide. 56
Low prevalence of thyrotropin receptor mutations in a large series of subjects with sporadic and familial nonautoimmune subclinical hypothyroidism. 56
Recommendations for treatment of hypothyroidism with levothyroxine and levotriiodothyronine: a 2016 position statement of the Italian Society of Endocrinology and the Italian Thyroid Association 55
Proper targeting and activity of a nonfunctioning thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHr) combining an inactivating and activating TSHr mutation in one receptor. 55
Totale 6.351
Categoria #
all - tutte 84.789
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 84.789

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.091 0 0 0 0 10 257 121 245 8 321 125 4
2020/20212.347 257 191 78 233 5 306 81 359 92 354 302 89
2021/20221.588 13 14 21 27 34 94 24 124 98 18 268 853
2022/20235.335 656 273 79 450 535 580 1 338 2.197 27 144 55
2023/20241.856 214 336 81 152 194 454 51 107 13 37 72 145
2024/20251.069 92 499 151 247 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.763