Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 883
EU - Europa 722
AS - Asia 319
OC - Oceania 3
AF - Africa 1
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 1.930
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 860
IE - Irlanda 319
CN - Cina 196
IT - Italia 186
SG - Singapore 64
FI - Finlandia 60
SE - Svezia 54
TR - Turchia 40
DE - Germania 37
CA - Canada 23
BE - Belgio 11
GB - Regno Unito 10
IL - Israele 8
UA - Ucraina 6
GR - Grecia 5
PL - Polonia 5
AT - Austria 4
FR - Francia 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
JP - Giappone 3
NL - Olanda 3
RO - Romania 3
RU - Federazione Russa 3
AU - Australia 2
ES - Italia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
RS - Serbia 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
BR - Brasile 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
EU - Europa 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IN - India 1
IR - Iran 1
KR - Corea 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MY - Malesia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
Totale 1.930
Città #
Dublin 319
Chandler 184
Ashburn 107
Boardman 69
Beijing 63
Helsinki 49
Singapore 48
New York 45
Princeton 41
Lawrence 39
Medford 38
Nanjing 31
Ann Arbor 27
Milan 23
Pavia 23
Wilmington 23
Toronto 22
Jacksonville 21
Shanghai 19
Florence 18
Trezzano sul Naviglio 17
Nanchang 16
Verona 13
Buccinasco 12
Brussels 11
Hebei 10
Washington 10
Ankara 9
Istanbul 9
Jiaxing 9
Los Angeles 9
Brescia 8
Falkenstein 8
Hangzhou 8
Shenyang 8
Brooklyn 7
San Francisco 7
Chapel Hill 6
Berlin 5
Changsha 5
Fairfield 5
Houston 5
Poznan 5
Redwood City 5
Tianjin 5
Antalya 4
Bagno A Ripoli 4
Brembate 4
Genova 4
Jerusalem 4
Mondovì 4
Norwalk 4
Oviedo 4
Seattle 4
Somerville 4
Woodhaven 4
'En Dor 3
Chicago 3
Des Moines 3
Guangzhou 3
Jinan 3
Köseköy 3
Rome 3
Soga 3
Timisoara 3
Vercelli 3
Adana 2
Almaty 2
Andover 2
Athens 2
Borås 2
Brno 2
Dallas 2
Dearborn 2
Follonica 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Gainesville 2
Huntsville 2
Konya 2
Moscow 2
Mugla 2
Munich 2
Newcastle Upon Tyne 2
Oxford 2
Palilula 2
Providence 2
Rovagnate 2
Szentlorinc 2
Amsterdam 1
Atlanta 1
Bacoli 1
Birmingham 1
Brentwood 1
Canberra 1
Cape Coral 1
Cardiff 1
Cinisello Balsamo 1
Collecorvino 1
Croydon 1
Folignano 1
Totale 1.551
Nome #
Borders in Archaeology: Anatolia and the South Caucasus ca 3500-500 BCE 111
A Golden Pendant for a Goddess. New Evidence from the Sanctuary of Niğde - Kınık Höyük, South Cappadocia 71
Origine e sviluppo dei monumenti rupestri a gradini (step monuments) d’Asia Minore: considerazioni sulla base dei monumenti dell’Anatolia centro meridionale 71
Archaeological Excavations at Kinik Ho¨yu¨k. Preliminary Report of the Third Campaign (2013) 65
Archaeological Excavations at Kinik Höyük, Niğde, Preliminary Report of the fourth Campaign (2014) 65
Archaeological excavations at Niğde Kınık Höyük: excavations report 2017 64
The Early Iron Age and the Hellenistic Period at Kinik Höyük, South Central Anatolia. Report of the 5th Campaign (2015) 63
Archaeological Excavations at Kınık Höyük. Preliminary Report of the third Campaign (2013) 62
Città e parole, argilla e pietra. Studi offerti a Clelia Mora da allievi, colleghi e amici 58
Prefazione: Clelia Mora e l'orientalistica pavese 54
Borders in the archaeology of the Hittite empire 53
Forgetting an Empire, Creating a New Order: Trajectories of Rock-cut Monuments from Hittite into Post-Hittite Anatolia, and the Afterlife of the “Throne” of Kızıldağ 51
An Age of Experimentation: New thoughts on the multiple outcomes following the fall of the Hittite empire after the results of the excavations at Niğde-Kinik Höyük (South Cappadocia) 50
Excavations at Kinik Höyük 2016 / 2016 Yılı Kınık Höyük Kazıları 49
Archaeological Excavations at Kınık Höyük, Niǧde (campaign 2016). The 5th - 1st Century BCE Levels, and the End of the Occupation of the Citadel 48
Archaeological Excavations at Niğde-Kınık Höyük: campaigns 2018-2019 47
Ricerche storico-archeologiche in Cappadocia Meridionale (Turchia) 44
Subsistence and ritual: a note on the Achaemenid faunal remains from the site of Kinik Höyük, Southern Cappadocia, Turkey 42
Ten Years of Research in Southern Cappadocia: History, Archaeological Investigations, and Ancient Landscapes 41
South-Central Anatolia during the Iron Ages: a diachronic view from Kınık Höyük (Niğde) 41
Le fortificationi di Kınık Höyük di Bronzo Tardo: nota relativa agli scavi del settore A-walls 40
East of Konya: Settlements, Routes and Environment in Southern Cappadocia, and the Political Landscape of South Central Anatolia during the Second Millennium BCE 39
NIĞDE KINIK HÖYÜK: New evidence on Central Anatolia during the first millennium BCE 38
Archaeological excavations at Niğde Kınık Höyük (TR): Excavations report 2018) 38
Settlement patterns, ancient routes and environmental change In south Cappadocia (Turkey), during the Holocene 36
Extracting cohesion: Fiscal Strategies in Hittite Staple Economy 36
Building Techniques of Fortified Structures at Kınık Höyük in Southern Cappadocia (Turkey) 33
Reorganization vs. Resilience in Early Iron Age Monumental Art of Central Anatolia 33
Borders in archaeology 33
The “sacred city” of Kınık Höyük: continuity and change in Cappadocia (Turkey) between the Late Achaemenid and Late Hellenistic periods 33
Palaeographic Database for the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Script 1.0 32
From ancient construction, through survival, towards modern conservation: characterization of fine-grained building material at Niğde-Kınık Höyük (Cappadocia, Turkey) 29
Niğde Kınık Höyük’te Geç Akhamenid ve Hellenistik Dönem’de kült pratikleri: Bir kültürel etkileşim vakası / Le istituzioni cultuali di Niğde Kınık Höyük nell’età tardo achemenide ed ellenistica: un caso di interazione culturale 28
The palaeography of Anatolian Hieroglyphic stone inscriptions 27
Archaeological excavations at Niğde Kınık Höyük. 2020-2021 campaigns 27
Between East and West: Homeric epos, political borders and the Early Phrygian kingdom 25
Suvasa and the Open-Air, Non-Royal Cultic Monuments of Hittite and Post-Hittite Anatolia 22
Kinik Höyük in South Cappadocia : Addendum to: A Comparative Stratigraphy of Cilicia 21
Hellenistik Kınık Höyük’te kamusal ve özel alan / Spazio pubbilco e spazio privato a Kınık Höyük in epoca ellenistica 20
Regional exchange and exclusive elite rituals in Iron Age central Anatolia: dating, function and circulation of Alişar-IV ware 19
tapariya- and tapariyalli-: Local Leaders and Local Agency in the Hittite Period and Its Aftermath 19
War in Anatolia in the post-Hittite period: the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Inscription of TOPADA revised 18
Kınık Höyük and south Cappadocia after the end of the Hittite empire: new results and a reassessment 17
Archaelogical excavations (Tr) at Niğde -Kınık Höyük: Excavation Report 2018 17
Kınık Höyük’teki Yeni Bulgular Işığında: Hitit Çağı’ndan Post-Hititlere Geçişte Ekonomi ve Tarımsal Üretim / Economia e produzione agricola nel passaggio tra età ittita e post-ittita: nuove evidenze da Kınık Höyük 15
Mazi-Karḫuḫa, King of Karkemiš and Hittite Syria at the End of 13th Century 13
Tabal, an ‘Out-Group Definition’ in the 1st Millennium BC 12
Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 10
Material Worlds: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Contacts and Exchange in the Ancient Near East, 8
Resilience Theory, Human Agency, and Political Archaeology: A RT Revised Model for the Understanding of the Late Bronze - Iron Age Transition in the Post-Hittite World 8
"Anatolian Travels" of the University of Pavia / Viaggi anatolici dell'Università di Pavia 6
Administrative Practices and Political Control in Anatolian and Syro-Anatolian Polities in the 2nd and 1st Millennium BCE, 6
Archeological mission at Kinik Höyük. An overview at the conclusion of the second campaign of excavation (2012) / Missione archeologica a Kinik höyük. Uno sguardo d'insieme a conclusione della seconda campagna di scavo (2012) 6
Porsuk – Zeyve Höyük : Rapport préliminaire de la campagne 2022 6
A Hittite seal from Kavuşan Höyük 6
"Anatolia travel" of the University of Pavia: Preliminary report of the third campaign of archeological recognition in northern Tyanitis (2008) / Viaggi anatolici dell'Università di Pavia: Rapporto preliminare della terza campagna nella Tyanide settentrionale (2008) 6
A new anatolian hieroglyphic seal impression from daǧilbaz höyük, bay of İskenderun, Turkey 5
City-states, canton states, monarchy and aristocracy: the political landscape of the Early Iron Age in central Anatolia within the context of the Eastern Mediterranean (11th -9th century BCE) 5
"Anatolian travels" of the University of Pavia: A preliminary report on the fourth yearly archeological survey in northern Tyanitide (2009) / Viaggi anatolici dell'Università di Pavia: Rapporto preliminare della quarta campagna di riconnizione archeologica nella Tyanitide settentrionale (2009) 5
Archeological missions in Southern Cappadocia, 2010 / Missione archeologica in Cappadocia meridionale, 2010 4
The 'Kinik Hoyuk' project. Archeological mission and historical research in Southern Cappadocia (Turkey) / Il progetto 'Kinik höyük'. Missione archeologica e ricerche storiche in Cappadocia meridionale (Turchia) 4
Seeking a political space: Thoughts on the formative stage of hittite administration in Syria 3
Totale 2.003
Categoria #
all - tutte 10.804
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 10.804

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202094 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 3 12 34 31 0
2020/202180 3 1 2 2 1 13 10 13 18 6 6 5
2021/2022280 1 3 23 10 9 18 1 22 14 28 31 120
2022/2023731 66 50 7 48 48 55 2 48 363 10 12 22
2023/2024425 13 67 14 17 40 117 32 42 8 31 17 27
2024/2025244 32 79 24 25 43 41 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.003