Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.105
EU - Europa 1.111
AS - Asia 928
SA - Sud America 21
AF - Africa 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 4.183
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.073
CN - Cina 715
IE - Irlanda 510
IT - Italia 188
SG - Singapore 174
FI - Finlandia 142
DE - Germania 90
UA - Ucraina 77
SE - Svezia 28
BE - Belgio 25
CA - Canada 23
GB - Regno Unito 17
BR - Brasile 12
HK - Hong Kong 11
IN - India 11
NL - Olanda 9
MU - Mauritius 8
PR - Porto Rico 8
FR - Francia 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
PH - Filippine 5
CO - Colombia 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
BJ - Benin 3
CH - Svizzera 3
EU - Europa 3
KR - Corea 3
RW - Ruanda 3
AL - Albania 2
AR - Argentina 2
IR - Iran 2
JP - Giappone 2
NP - Nepal 2
PE - Perù 2
AT - Austria 1
CL - Cile 1
ES - Italia 1
GR - Grecia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 4.183
Città #
Chandler 541
Dublin 510
Ashburn 176
Jacksonville 165
Nanjing 158
Singapore 145
Boardman 142
Beijing 125
Ann Arbor 93
Princeton 93
Lawrence 91
Helsinki 84
Wilmington 73
Medford 62
Nanchang 57
Shanghai 52
Changsha 44
Hebei 44
Shenyang 43
New York 37
Hangzhou 32
Jiaxing 30
Tianjin 30
Dearborn 25
Pavia 24
Los Angeles 22
Brussels 21
Seattle 19
Toronto 19
Redwood City 16
Fairfield 15
Munich 15
Norwalk 13
Padova 13
Woodbridge 13
Chicago 11
Guangzhou 11
Milan 10
Washington 9
Pune 8
San Juan 8
Chieti 7
Torino 7
Vado Ligure 7
Atlanta 6
Houston 6
Jinan 6
Santa Clara 6
Tappahannock 6
Lanciano 5
Brno 4
Central 4
Des Moines 4
Forlì 4
Fuzhou 4
Ghent 4
Hong Kong 4
Rome 4
Senhora dos Remedios 4
Borås 3
Catania 3
Cotonou 3
Falls Church 3
Limbiate 3
Mountain View 3
Pognana Lario 3
Pullman 3
Taiyuan 3
Turin 3
Amsterdam 2
Belo Horizonte 2
Bordeaux 2
Brescia 2
Buenos Aires 2
Caserta 2
Cattolica 2
Cava 2
Clifton 2
Cornalba 2
Council Bluffs 2
Dallas 2
Delhi 2
Dolzago 2
Dong-gu 2
Dresden 2
Falkenstein 2
Kigali 2
Kunming 2
Lanzhou 2
London 2
Manila 2
Modena 2
Monzambano 2
Naples 2
Ningbo 2
Orange 2
Portici 2
Qingdao 2
Recanati 2
Reggio Nell'emilia 2
Totale 3.283
Nome #
Developing and testing a data-driven methodology for shallow landslide susceptibility assessment: preliminary results 95
Site-specific to large-scale landslides susceptibility assessment in Rwanda 95
Comparison between monitored and modeled pore water pressure and safety factor in a slope susceptible to shallow landslides. 88
Evaluation of Pleiades images for rainfall-triggered shallow landslides mapping 87
Hydrological response of a slope susceptible to shallow landslides: a field monitoring approach 85
Processi di interazione suolo-atmosfera su un pendio soggetto a frane superficiali: un caso di studio nell’Oltrepò Pavese 76
Analisi del ruolo dei vigneti sulla stabilità di versante in un’area soggetta a frane superficiali 75
Monitoring and Modelling of Soil–Atmosphere Interaction on a Slope Affected by Shallow Landslides 71
Continuous monitoring of a slope affected by shallow landslides in North Eastern Oltrepo Pavese (Northern Apennines, Italy) for landslide susceptibility assessment: preliminary results 68
Determination of shallow landslides triggering factors and susceptibility through field monitoring in an area of Oltrepo Pavese 66
Il ruolo della vite nella prevenzione del dissesto idrogeologico 63
Climate change impacts on the Alpine ecosystem: an overview with focus on the soil 61
Monitoring of a slope affected by shallow landslides: preliminary results. 58
Evaluation of anthropogenic effects on the sediment delivery dynamics in response to slope instability 56
Monitoring of a slope susceptible to shallow landslides: preliminary result. 55
A novel method for landslides investigation through A-DINSAR time series 54
Improving spatial landslide prediction with 3d slope stability analysis and genetic algorithm optimization: Application to the oltrepò pavese 54
Soil-atmosphere interaction in a slope affected by shallow landslides: An example in Northern Italy 53
Integrating Satellite Soil Moisture and Rainfall Data on a Data-Driven Model for the Assessment of Shallow Landslides Hazard 53
Impact of Agricultural Management in Vineyards to Landslides Susceptibility in Italian Apennines 53
Root strength evaluation on vineyards in an area susceptible to shallow landslides: preliminary results 52
A multidisciplinary methodological approach for slope stability assessment of an area prone to shallow landslides 52
Using satellite soil moisture and rainfall data for the monitoring and the prediction of natural hazards 51
Rainfall-Induced Landslides: Slope Stability Analysis Through Field Monitoring 50
Valutazione del rinforzo radicale operato da viti in un’area dell’Oltrepo Pavese: primi risultati 50
Soil water content estimated by Support Vector Machine for the assessment of shallow landslides triggering conditions: the role of antecedent meteorological conditions 50
A data-driven method for the temporal estimation of soil water potential and its application for shallow landslides prediction 50
Assessment of the Sentinel-1 based ground motion data feasibility for large scale landslide monitoring 50
A data-drive model for the assessment of shallow landslides hazard with the integration of satellite soil moisture and rainfall data 49
Effects of different soil managements in vineyards to slope stability 49
Rainfall-triggered shallow landslide mapping through Pleiades images 48
The role of the vineyards on slope stability: a case study from an area susceptible to shallow landslides 48
Quantifying the contribution to soil mechanical reinforcement of grapevines in an area susceptible to shallow landslides 48
Improving the estimation of complete field soil water characteristic curves through field monitoring data 48
Comparison of the performance of spatial landslide prediction with TRIGRS1D and SCOOPS3D models and parameter optimization: application to the Oltrepò Pavese 48
Monitoring of hydrological parameters for the identification of shallow landslides triggering: a case study from Northern Italy 48
The role of the vineyards on shallow landslides 46
Empirical and Physically Based Thresholds for the Occurrence of Shallow Landslides in a Prone Area of Northern Italian Apennines 46
Effects of Vineyard Inter-Row Management on Soils, Roots and Shallow Landslides Probability in the Apennines, Lombardy, Italy 46
Site-specific to local-scale shallow landslides triggering zones assessment using TRIGRS 46
An integrated model for prediction of shallow landslides at regional scale with the integration of satellite hydrological data 46
Rainfall-Triggered Shallow Landslides Mapping Through Pleiades Images 45
Effects of grapevine root density and reinforcement on slopes prone to shallow slope instability 45
Interfila inerbito o lavorato: effetti sulla densità radicale di vigneti coltivati in pendenza dell'Oltrepò Pavese nord-orientale. 45
3D geological model reconstruction for liquefaction hazard assessment in the Po Plain 45
Field investigation of soil-atmosphere interaction on a slope prone to shallow landslides. 45
The role of human activities on sediment connectivity of shallow landslides 44
Factor of safety analysis with and without vegetation using the SOSlope model 44
Landslide state of activity maps by combining multi-temporal A-DInSAR (LAMBDA) 44
Technical guidelines for the assessment of earthquake induced liquefaction hazard at urban scale 43
Grapevine root system strength in an area susceptible to shallow landslides for slope stability assessment 42
The role of land use changes in the distribution of shallow landslides 42
Detailed analysis of soil-atmosphere interactions in two sample sites in Oltrepò Pavese 42
Shallow landslides susceptibility analysis in relation to land use scenarios 41
Reconstruction of lithotechnical terrain units for the assessment of shallow landslides hazard in Oltrepò Pavese (northern Italy) 41
Measurement of soil bulk density and water content with time domain reflectometry: Algorithm implementation and method analysis 41
Understanding the relationship between sediment connectivity and the spatio-temporal landscape changes in two small catchments. 40
A methodology for ground motion area detection (GMA-D) using A-DInSAR time series in landslide investigations 40
Shallow landslides susceptibility assessment in different environments 39
The Impact of Hydrological Parameters on Modelling Slope Safety Factor Towards Shallow Landslides: A Case Study from Oltrepò Pavese 39
Assessing shallow landslide susceptibility by using the Generalized Additive Model: A case study 39
Influences of agricultural practices on the slope stability of cultivated vineyards 39
Nonlinear regression technique to assess the landslide susceptibility of the Kalapahar hill, Guwahati, Assam State (India) 38
Development of a data-driven model for spatial and temporal shallow landslide probability of occurrence at catchment scale 38
Grapevine Roots Strength in an Area Susceptible to Shallow Landslides for Slope Stability Assessment 37
Analysis of the Predisposing Factors for Different Landslide Types Using the Generalized Additive Model 36
Residual mechanisms and kinematics of the relict Lemeglio coastal landslide (Liguria, northwestern Italy) 35
Effects of vineyard soil management on the characteristics of soils and roots in the lower Oltrepò Apennines (Lombardy, Italy) 35
Hydrological factors affecting rainfall-induced shallow landslides: From the field monitoring to a simplified slope stability analysis 34
Estimation of the susceptibility of a road network to shallow landslides with the integration of the sediment connectivity 33
Multi-sensor SAR data for landslide inventory updating: the case study of Piemonte Region 33
Post-failure dynamics of rainfall-induced landslide in oltrepò pavese 33
A simplified approach to assess the soil saturation degree and stability of a representative slope affected by shallow landslides in oltrepò pavese (Italy) 32
Geomorphological tools for mapping natural hazards 32
Airborne combined photogrammetry-infrared thermography applied to landslide remote monitoring 30
A methodology for the analysis of continuous time-series of automatic inclinometers for slow-moving landslides monitoring in Piemonte region, northern Italy 30
Soil reinforcement provided by the root system of grapevines: Quantification and spatial variability 30
Advances in Shallow Landslide Hydrology and Triggering Mechanisms: A Multidisciplinary Approach 30
Analysis of Hydro-meteorological Monitoring Data Collected in Different Contexts Prone to Shallow Landslides of the Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italy) 30
Impact of land use changes and of agricultural management in vineyards to shallow landslides susceptibility in a representative area of northern Italian Apennines 30
Development and Use of a Minicone for Liquefaction Risk Evaluation in Layered Soil Deposits 30
Preliminary results of continuous monitoring of a slope with clayey soils prone to shallow landslides 28
Litho-structure of the Oltrepo Pavese, Northern Apennines (Italy) 28
3D Engineering Geological Modeling to Investigate a Liquefaction Site: An Example in Alluvial Holocene Sediments in the Po Plain, Italy 28
Integration of Multi-sensor A-DInSAR Data for Landslide Inventory Update 26
The influence of the inventory on the determination of the rainfall-induced shallow landslides susceptibility using generalized additive models 25
Damage to anthropic elements estimation due to large slope instabilities through multi-temporal A-DInSAR analysis 24
Hydrological regimes in different slope environments and implications on rainfall thresholds triggering shallow landslides 24
Preliminary validation of a novel method for the assessment of effective stress state in partially saturated soils by cone penetration tests 22
Integrating sediment connectivity into the assessment of landslides susceptibility for road network 20
Observations on soil-atmosphere interactions after long-term monitoring at two sample sites subjected to shallow landslides 19
A data-driven method for the estimation of shallow landslide runout 18
Integrated experiments on field monitoring and hydro-mechanical modeling for determination of a triggering threshold of rainfall-induced shallow landslides. A case study in Ren River catchment, China 17
Remarks on the Role of Landslide Inventories in the Statistical Methods Used for the Landslide Susceptibility Assessment 17
Effects of plant roots on soil shear strength and shallow landslide proneness in an area of northern Italian Apennines 16
Relationship among soil management, organic matter content and root development along the explorable soil profile in the vineyard 15
Effects of vineyards on the stability of steep slopes 14
Comparison between mechanical and hydrological reinforcement effects of cultivated plants on shallow slope stability 11
ERT-based experimental integrated approach for soil hydrological characterization in rainfall-induced shallow landslides prone areas 11
Totale 4.296
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.120
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 23.120

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020302 0 0 0 0 0 22 46 46 9 88 64 27
2020/2021287 23 17 5 20 7 27 18 47 18 42 27 36
2021/2022391 4 0 26 6 3 13 9 26 39 10 67 188
2022/20231.458 149 125 21 132 119 144 4 75 600 12 51 26
2023/2024678 88 66 45 29 55 168 32 51 9 28 66 41
2024/2025456 57 119 50 68 81 81 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.355