Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.478
EU - Europa 1.104
AS - Asia 711
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
OC - Oceania 4
AF - Africa 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 3.303
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.469
CN - Cina 654
IE - Irlanda 362
UA - Ucraina 180
IT - Italia 127
FI - Finlandia 120
DE - Germania 117
SE - Svezia 84
GB - Regno Unito 53
SG - Singapore 29
FR - Francia 26
IN - India 19
BE - Belgio 12
CA - Canada 9
RU - Federazione Russa 6
AT - Austria 5
EU - Europa 4
TR - Turchia 4
ES - Italia 3
NL - Olanda 3
AU - Australia 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
CH - Svizzera 2
JO - Giordania 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PL - Polonia 2
AL - Albania 1
BR - Brasile 1
IQ - Iraq 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NO - Norvegia 1
Totale 3.303
Città #
Dublin 362
Chandler 333
Jacksonville 228
Nanjing 211
Boardman 98
Ashburn 93
Beijing 71
Lawrence 65
Medford 65
Princeton 65
Wilmington 64
Nanchang 60
Ann Arbor 55
Shenyang 52
Changsha 49
Hebei 47
Jiaxing 39
Helsinki 36
Hangzhou 33
Shanghai 30
Tianjin 28
Pavia 23
Woodbridge 21
Los Angeles 15
Pune 14
Milan 13
Brussels 12
Fairfield 11
Singapore 11
Seattle 9
Toronto 9
Auburn Hills 8
Haikou 8
Des Moines 6
Kunming 6
New York 6
Verona 6
Dearborn 5
Jinan 5
San Giovanni la Punta 4
Santa Clara 4
Seregno 4
Bareggio 3
Innsbruck 3
Istanbul 3
Norwalk 3
Redwood City 3
Salt 3
Washington 3
Zhengzhou 3
Amman 2
Bologna 2
Changchun 2
Dallas 2
Desio 2
Düsseldorf 2
Fuzhou 2
Indore 2
Kraków 2
Leeds 2
Lucca 2
Naples 2
Novokuznetsk 2
Orange 2
Ponte Lambro 2
Senago 2
Tappahannock 2
Trento 2
Auckland 1
Baghdad 1
Berlin 1
Borås 1
Cedar Knolls 1
Chicago 1
Cleveland 1
Duncan 1
Edmond 1
Fayetteville 1
Florence 1
Gallatin 1
Hanover 1
Houston 1
Lanzhou 1
Miami 1
Miglianico 1
Montano Lucino 1
Monza 1
Moscow 1
Nagold 1
New Delhi 1
Ningbo 1
Novosibirsk 1
Palo del Colle 1
Phoenix 1
Prineville 1
Putignano 1
Redmond 1
Rome 1
Sandefjord 1
Sandston 1
Totale 2.376
Nome #
Acque di prima pioggia nei sistemi di fognatura. Manuale di progettazione. 87
La qualità della roggia Vernavola in base a indicatori biologici e chimici 86
Capitolo 4: Sistemi di fognature e acque meteoriche di dilavamento 78
Capitolo 10 – Vasche di prima pioggia. 77
Emerging issues in stormwater management connected to the potential precipitation changes in Italy 73
Vasche di prima pioggia: analisi critica di possibili modalità di svuotamento 72
Qualità delle acque meteoriche di dilavamento di siti sperimentali di Cascina Scala (Pavia) e di Cremona 72
Analisi e interpretazioni della correlazione tra alcuni parametri inquinanti nella rete fognaria di Cascina Scala in tempo di pioggia 70
Qualità e controllo delle acque di dilavamento di infrastrutture viarie 65
Capture stormwater storage tanks in storm sewer systems 65
Il bacino urbano sperimentale di Cascina Scala (Pavia) - Piogge, portate e qualità dei deflussi in fognatura nel periodo 1987 - 2006 64
Il controllo dei sedimenti nei sistemi fognari e sue implicazioni progettuali 64
Performance of stormwater detention tanks for urban drainage systems in northern Italy 64
Prospettive di risparmio energetico nei sistemi di collettamento/fognatura 64
Experimental and numerical analysis of erosion and sediment transport of flushing waves 63
Modelling of CSO's loads to support intervention actions for recovery of impacted watershed 63
Cambiamenti delle precipitazioni in Lombardia e possibili implicazioni nel controllo dei deflussi meteorici urbani. 63
Stormwater quality control for sustainable urban drainage systems 62
CFD-aided modelling for hydrodynamic analysis of biological reactor 61
Pollution in storm water runoff in a highway toll gate area and performance of a source-area treatment technology 58
Urban wet-weather discharges: impact on quality of the Vernavola river 57
Capitolo 1 - Le precipitazioni meteoriche e le acque meteoriche di dilavamento 56
Impact assessment of urban wet-weather sewer discharges on the Vernavola river (Northern Italy) 56
Pollution in stormwater runoff in a highway tollgate area: monitoring campaign and modelling 56
Qualità delle acque meteoriche di dilavamento di aree urbanizzate 55
Pollution in stormwater runoff in a production catchment: monitoring campaign and modelling 55
Controllo degli scarichi fognari con vasche di prima pioggia 55
Capitolo 2 - Qualità delle acque fognarie. 55
Capitolo 7 - Strategie di controllo degli scarichi fognari in tempo di pioggia 55
Pollution in stormwater runoff in a highway toll gate area 54
The effects of water management on annual maximum floods of Lake Como and River Adda at Lecco (Italy) 53
Field identification and quantification of CSO loads with possible interventions for impacted watershed recovery 53
Impatto inquinante degli scarichi fognari di tempo di pioggia nella roggia Vernavola 52
The Vajont disaster: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics modeling of the post-event 2D experiments 52
Integrated RTD−CFD hydrodynamic analysis for performance assessment of activated sludge reactors 50
Urban wet-weather discharges to the Vernavola river (Pavia, Italy): impacts and control strategies 49
La gestione delle acque meteoriche di dilavamento e gli impianti di depurazione urbani 46
Precipitation change in Italy: effects on design and management of stormwater quantity and quality control systems 46
Rheology and Microbiology of Sludge from a Thermophilic Aerobic Membrane Reactor 46
Evaluation of the areal reduction factor in an urban area through rainfall records of limited length: a case study 44
Placement strategies and cumulative effects of wet-weather control practices for intermunicipal sewerage systems 44
La roggia Vernavola e il suo Parco: excursus storico 43
Il controllo dei sedimenti nei sistemi fognari e sue implicazioni progettuali 43
A unified framework for the assessment of multiple source urban flash flood hazard: the case study of Monza, Italy 43
Laboratory experiments and numerical modelling of the scouring effects of flushing waves on sediment beds. 42
Identification and Localization of Hydrodynamic Anomalies in a Real Wastewater Treatment Plant by an Integrated Approach: RTD-CFD Analysis 42
Modularity-Based Procedure for Partitioning Water Distribution Systems into Independent Districts 41
WCSPH with limiting viscosity for modelling landslide hazard at the slopes of artificial reservoir 41
Performance of stormwater detention tanks in an experimental catchment of northern Italy 40
Le acque meteoriche di dilavamento e gli impianti di depurazione urbani: problemi progettuali e gestionali. 36
Treatment of aqueous wastes by means of Thermophilic Aerobic Membrane Reactor (TAMR) and nanofiltration (NF): process auditing of a full-scale plant 36
Closure to "analytical Methodology for the Discharge-Stage Relation of Flexible Shape Palmer-Bowlus Flumes" by Sara Todeschini, Sauro Manenti, Francesco Volponi, and Carlo Ciaponi 36
Il controllo degli scarichi fognari di tempo di pioggia mediante vasche di prima pioggia: aspetti progettuali e gestionali. 34
Hydrologic and environmental impacts of imperviousness in an industrial catchment of northern Italy 34
Analytical Methodology for the Discharge-Stage Relation of Flexible Shape Palmer-Bowlus Flumes 33
Testing an innovative first flush identification methodology against field data from an Italian catchment 33
Impatto degli scarichi di tempo di pioggia sulla qualità dei corpi idrici ricettori e strategie di mitigazione 32
Trends in long daily rainfall series of Lombardia (Northern Italy) affecting urban stormwater control 31
Modulating Nodal Outflows to Guarantee Sufficient Disinfectant Residuals in Water Distribution Networks 31
Understanding the Influence of Diverse Non‐Volatile Media on Rheological Properties of Thermophilic Biological Sludge and Evaluation of Its Thixotropic Behaviour 29
Modulating nodal outflows to guarantee sufficient disinfectant residuals in water distribution networks 29
Comparison of Techniques for Maintaining Adequate Disinfectant Residuals in a Full-Scale Water Distribution Network 25
Hydrological modelling of the Cascina Scala catchment 24
The performance evaluation of wastewater service: a protocol based on performance indicators applied to sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants 24
Ensemble Evaluation and Member Selection of Regional Climate Models for Impact Models Assessment 20
Numerical modelling of fast landslide 20
On the potential of the first flush concept for sizing criteria of stormwater control practices. 20
The role of modeling scheme and model input factors uncertainty in the analysis and mitigation of backwater induced urban flood-risk 19
Combining the Morris method and multiple error metrics to assess aquifer characteristics and recharge in the lower Ticino Basin, in Italy 17
Monitoraggio e gestione delle acque meteoriche di dilavamento in ambito urbano 16
SPHERA v.9.0.0: A Computational Fluid Dynamics research code, based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics mesh-less method 8
Comparison of Nonlinear Reservoir and UH Algorithms for the Hydrological Modeling of a Real Urban Catchment with EPASWMM 7
New optimization strategies for SWMM modeling of stormwater quality applications in urban area 7
Combining noisy well data and expert knowledge in a Bayesian calibration of a flow model under uncertainties: an application to solute transport in the Ticino basin 6
Innovative and Reliable Assessment of Polluted Stormwater Runoff for Effective Stormwater Management 3
Totale 3.405
Categoria #
all - tutte 13.260
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 13.260

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020253 0 0 1 35 2 42 10 40 30 60 30 3
2020/2021393 42 29 18 41 4 47 6 66 24 54 48 14
2021/2022274 7 1 9 6 1 3 3 18 15 13 41 157
2022/20231.002 112 78 10 65 108 109 0 56 428 6 20 10
2023/2024333 41 72 17 12 26 78 8 19 2 21 16 21
2024/2025115 27 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.405