Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.998
EU - Europa 1.761
AS - Asia 1.142
SA - Sud America 19
AF - Africa 9
OC - Oceania 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 4.941
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.970
CN - Cina 884
IE - Irlanda 474
IT - Italia 420
UA - Ucraina 239
FI - Finlandia 178
DE - Germania 174
SG - Singapore 143
GB - Regno Unito 70
SE - Svezia 65
FR - Francia 44
IN - India 41
BE - Belgio 28
CA - Canada 28
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 15
ID - Indonesia 12
JP - Giappone 12
BR - Brasile 10
HK - Hong Kong 9
PL - Polonia 9
RU - Federazione Russa 9
MY - Malesia 8
NL - Olanda 8
CO - Colombia 6
ES - Italia 6
KR - Corea 6
PT - Portogallo 6
EU - Europa 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
IR - Iran 4
TR - Turchia 4
AT - Austria 3
BW - Botswana 3
EG - Egitto 3
PK - Pakistan 3
IM - Isola di Man 2
KE - Kenya 2
LT - Lituania 2
PE - Perù 2
RO - Romania 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
VN - Vietnam 2
AL - Albania 1
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
GE - Georgia 1
GR - Grecia 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PH - Filippine 1
RS - Serbia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
VU - Vanuatu 1
Totale 4.941
Città #
Chandler 466
Dublin 458
Jacksonville 294
Nanjing 241
Boardman 129
Ashburn 121
Nanchang 110
Singapore 97
Princeton 91
Ann Arbor 86
Lawrence 84
Hebei 76
Shenyang 76
Pavia 74
Helsinki 73
Wilmington 73
Milan 72
Changsha 65
Beijing 61
Tianjin 53
Jiaxing 52
Shanghai 48
Medford 46
Hangzhou 44
Rome 31
Los Angeles 28
Woodbridge 26
Brussels 22
Norwalk 18
Verona 18
Des Moines 17
Pune 17
Olomouc 15
Seattle 13
Dearborn 12
Munich 11
Sesto San Giovanni 11
Fairfield 10
Turin 10
Brescia 9
Catania 9
Ottawa 9
Rho 9
Toronto 9
New York 8
Orange 8
Chicago 7
Kilkenny 7
Moegino 7
Mulazzano 7
Zhengzhou 7
Redwood City 6
San Martino in Strada 6
Andover 5
Auckland 5
Dallas 5
Dortmund 5
Kyiv 5
Naples 5
Seoul 5
Vancouver 5
Washington 5
Bitonto 4
Borås 4
Cambridge 4
Eltville 4
Falkenstein 4
Houston 4
Jakarta 4
Kuala Lumpur 4
Kunming 4
Leeds 4
Ningbo 4
Phoenix 4
Piscataway 4
Quartu Sant'Elena 4
Serwis 4
Ankara 3
Asti 3
Auburn Hills 3
Bandung 3
Bangalore 3
Barlassina 3
Bhubaneswar 3
Cassino 3
Central 3
Changchun 3
Cornaredo 3
Cremona 3
Genova 3
Haltern am See 3
Ismailia 3
Jinan 3
Kuching 3
Lahore 3
Lanzhou 3
Lentate Sul Seveso 3
Modena 3
Mountain View 3
Ngau Kok Wan 3
Totale 3.531
Nome #
The dynamics of the outsourcing relationship 154
International entrepreneurship at the crossroads between innovation and internationalization 93
Local resource based sustainable development and tourist core-competence for innovation 85
Forme organizzative knowledge-based: competenze dinamiche e percorsi evolutivi. Un'indagine empirica 81
Dynamic network capabilities for innovation within local and global networks 80
Analisi strategico-organizzativa per lo sviluppo locale. Il Development Migration Path 79
Drivers and dimensions of export performance 78
Fondazioni di origine bancaria: innovazione ed evoluzione. Scelte strategiche e modelli gestionali emergenti 78
Percorsi evolutivi delle intranet aziendali 76
Apprendimento interogranizzativo e pratiche managerialiper la gestione di alleanze e reti collaborative 73
International processes and dynamic capabilities: a framework for international entrepreneurship 71
Resource-based local development and appraisal of core-competencies for tourism excellence 71
Cooperazione e competizione delle destinazioni turistiche alpine 70
How to get people to actually use contact-tracing apps 70
Coordinamento interaziendale e processi decisionali nel turismo invernale 69
Ecomuseo come volano di sviluppo locale sostenibile il progetto Po pavese 69
Metodologie di sviluppo delle intranet aziendali 68
Dynamic Network Capabilities: theoretical and empirical issues 68
Role, Capabilities and Evolution of the Organization Departments in the "Innovation Economy": An Empirical Survey 67
Inter-firm network structures and processes for innovation 67
The jazz dance between individual and organizational learning within complex systems 66
Preserving the longevity of long-lasting family businesses: a multi-level model 63
The Changing Global Economy and its Impact on International Entrepreneurship 63
Internationalization, digitalization, and sustainability: Are SMEs ready? A survey on synergies and substituting effects among growth paths 63
Modelli "integrati e flessibili" per lo sviluppo del turismo sostenibile nella Provincia di Pavia. La dimensione economico organizzativa 62
Acquired Trademarks and Family Business: Insights from the European Manufacturing Industry 62
Trust, reputation and relational centrality in local networks 61
Le "pratiche organizzative" nello sviluppo delle competenze distintive di un sistema turistico locale 61
Resource-based Organizational Forms: the case of Italian Banking Foundations 60
Innovazione organizzativa e maturità manageriale nelle fondazioni di origine bancaria 59
Innovation strategies for resilient SMEs: A case study in the Italian wine industry 59
When less family is more: Trademark acquisition, family ownership, and internationalization 59
Risorse, competenze ed alleanze interorganizzative per lo sviluppo locale 58
A technological standard for shoe machineries interfacing 58
The drivers of the early internationalization of the firm 58
L'Impresa tra patrocinio e mecenatismo. 56
International processes and dynamic capabilities: a framework for international entrepreneurship 56
Network best practices and evolution of organisational capabilities 55
Creating and capturing value from external knowledge: The moderating role of knowledge intensity 55
Time for a paradigm shift in shared decision-making in trauma and emergency surgery? Results from an international survey 54
Mantenere e riparare per competere: network management come strumento di competitività 54
Dal contratto di outsourcing alle alleanze strategiche: network come facilitatore dell'apprendimento organizzativo 53
The case of Corporate Entrepreneurship within Italian SMEs 52
Internationalization, value-chain configuration, and the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies 52
Reingegnerizzazione dei processi e dei sistemi informativi in un ente comunale 51
The Convergence Process between Business Network Approach, Inter-organizational Information Systems (IOSs) and ICT in Small Service Firms 51
Trust, reputation and relation centrality in local networks 51
Territorial marketing and strategic management for local development: which connections and contradictions? Some reflections on Italian experiences 51
Economia e management dell'innovazione : governo e intermediazione della conoscenza come leva di competitività 51
Advanced Robotics as a Support in Healthcare Organizational Response. A COVID-19 Pandemic case 51
Interpretazione e codificazione delle relazioni fra stakeholders nella stesura di un bilancio sociale 50
Competenze dinamiche di rete. Strategie, modelli organizzativi e tecnologie per l'innovazione continua 50
Modelli innovativi per il riposizionamento strategico dei sistemi territoriali: il caso “Leonardo e Vigevano” 49
Managerialita' delle fondazioni di origine bancaria:Percorsi gestionali e prospettive internazionali 49
Early and accelerated internationalisation: the role of the niche strategy in a new generation of exporters 49
The impact of intangibles on firm growth 49
University-territory interaction models: a case study survey 48
Be international or be innovative? Be both? The role of the entrepreneurial profile 47
Raccolta fondi per la ricerca e l’innovazione: crowdfunding all’Università di Pavia 47
Imprese familiari e marketing digitale: il caso del contesto vitivinicolo in Oltrepò Pavese 46
Blind enterprises and interorganizational forms in italian districts: an empirical analysis in jewellery sector 45
Precision Medicine: Implications for value chains and business models in life sciences 45
Mantenere e riparare per competere. Network management come strumento di competitività 44
Modelli integrati e flessibili per lo sviluppo del turismo sostenibile nella provincia di Pavia 44
Disentangling the “digital”: A critical review of IT capabilities, IT-enabled capabilities, and digital capabilities in business research 42
Transform to adapt or resilient by design? How organizations can foster resilience through business model transformation. 41
The resilience strategies of SMEs in mature clusters 41
L'evoluzione delle fondazioni di origine bancaria 41
Pricing modelling as a strategic leverage for knowledge-intensive start-ups: An explorative case study in the luxury fashion industry 40
Guidare il cambiamento e l'innovazione: scenari, talenti e valori 40
Trust and Relational Centrality in Italian Districts 39
International entrepreneurship and dynamic capabilities: theoretical and empirical issues 39
Knowledge assets and firm international performance 38
Overcoming the false dichotomy between internal R&D and external knowledge acquisition: Absorptive capacity dynamics over time 38
Investigación, innovación y acción en el sector de patrimonio cultural. La experiencia de "CISRIC" 37
Internationalization, digitalization, and sustainability: Are SMEs ready? A survey on synergies and substituting effects among growth paths 37
Intangible assets and firm performance: The relative effects of recognized and unrecognized assets 36
Resource-based local development and networked core competencies for tourism excellence 35
Risorse di rete, pratiche di network management ed evoluzione delle competenze distintive 34
Innovation through patents and intangible assets: Effects on growth and profitability of european companies 34
Striking the Right Balance: Sources of Knowledge in International Expansion 32
Sostenibilità ambientale e sanità: scenari e orizzonti futuri. Un expert consensus 31
Innovazione interorganizzativa nelle aziende di piccole dimensioni 30
New inter-organizational forms: Evolution of relationship structures in mountain tourism 30
Surgeons' perspectives on artificial intelligence to support clinical decision-making in trauma and emergency contexts: results from an international survey 28
Competitive renaissance through digital transformation 28
Innovation through Patents and Intangible Assets: Effects on Growth and Profitability of European Companies 26
Reputation, trust and relational centrality in local networks: An evolutionary geography perspective 25
L’esternalizzazione della logistica sanitaria e ospedaliera. Una revisione della letteratura 25
Inbound Open Innovation, Outbound Open Innovation, and their Joint Effect on Firm Performance 24
Re-immaginare la sanità 24
Verso la rete regionale lombarda di Pancreas unit. Un possibile modello organizzativo analizzato attraverso il metodo Delphi 21
Innovation strategy and digital transformation execution in healthcare: The role of the general manager 20
From understanding to practice: a phenomenographic enquiry of family business innovation 18
La percezione delle competenze trasversali e delle dinamiche di traduzione della conoscenza nella chirurgia d’urgenza e del trauma. Uno studio quantitativo sul territorio nazionale 17
Editorial: New frontiers in pancreatic cancer care: Multidisciplinary approaches, the role of Pancreas Units, and their organizational impacts 17
Open innovation in sanità in contesti d’emergenza. La conversione di maschere da snorkeling in dispositivi di ventilazione per i pazienti covid 16
Towards the Healthcare of the Future. A Delphi Consensus on Environmental Sustainability Issues 12
Totale 5.076
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.879
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 20.879

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020225 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 54 8 81 53 1
2020/2021480 59 39 10 49 15 59 7 79 20 72 57 14
2021/2022372 10 6 12 3 11 11 6 25 21 9 51 207
2022/20231.429 136 106 19 117 123 142 15 153 554 17 27 20
2023/2024633 51 101 61 64 63 102 41 50 5 32 42 21
2024/2025456 69 120 33 49 90 94 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.076